Ch. 23 Part 1

Principal function associated with the respiratory system

Gas exchange

6 Functions of the respiratory system

1. Regulates blood pH
2. Contains receptors for sense of smell
3. Filters inhaled air
4. Produces sounds
5. Rids the body of small amounts of water and heat in exhaled air
6. Gas exchange

Structural divisions of the respiratory system

Upper and Lower Respiratory system

The upper respiratory system is made up of these three structures

1. Nose
2. Nasal cavity
3. Pharynx (throat)

The lower respiratory system is made up o these four structures

1. Larynx (voice box)
2. Trachea (windpipe)
3. Bronchi
4. Lungs

Functional divisions of the respiratory system

Conducting zone and Respiratory zone

Zone including the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea; functions to filter, warm, moisten, and conduct air

Conducting zone

Zone where gas exchange occurs

Respiratory zone

Zone including respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli

Respiratory zone

Zone that functions in the exchange of gases between blood and air

Respiratory zone

Opening where the nasal cavity communicates with the pharynx

Internal nares

Structure of the nasal cavity made up of the vomer and perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Shelves inside the nasal cavity


Three regions of the pharynx

1. Nasopharynx
2. Oropharynx
3. Laryngopharynx

Located in the internal nares to end of soft palate; functions to move dust-laden mucus farther down the throat, and equalize pressure within auditory tubes


Located from the soft palate to hyoid; functions as the common passageway for food and air


Located from hyoid to end of larynx; functions as a common passageway


Connects the laryngopharynx with the trachea; "voice box


THree singly occurring pieces of cartilage of the larynx

Thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple)
Cricoid cartilage

Three pieces of cartilage occurring in pairs in the larynx

Arytenoid, cuneiform, and corniculate cartilages

Flap of cartilage attached to the thyroid cartilage that prevents the breathing in of food


Principal structure of sound production

Vocal folds

Tubular passageway for air that extends from the larynx to the superior border of T5, then divides into right and left main bronchi

Trachea (windpipe)

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells in the tracheal wall


Rings of hyaline cartilage function how in the tracheal wall?

To provide a semi-rigid support

At the superior border of T5, the trachea divides into a _____ main bronchus and a ____ main bronchs

Right (primary and Left (primary)

The main bronchi divide to form the _____ bronchi, one for each lobe of the lung

Lobar (secondary)

Lobar bronchi branch into _________ bronchi

Segmental (tertiary)

Segmental bronchi branch into ___________


Bronchioles branch into _______ ___________

Terminal bronchioles

Serous membrane surrounding each lung separately

Pleural membrane

Lines the wall of the thoracic cavity

Parietal pleura

Lines the lung(s)

Visceral pleura

Space between the pleurae

Pleural cavity

Broad inferior surface of the lungs


Narrow superior portion of the lungs


Surface of the lungs that lies agains the ribs

Costal surface

Area on the mediastinal surface where the bronchi, pulmonary vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and exit


Indentation in the left lung for the heart to reside

Cardiac notch

The left lung has ___ lobes


THe right lung has _____ lobes


Oblique fissure in the left lung separates the ________ lobe from the ________ lobe

Superior; inferior

Oblique fissure in the right lung separates the inferior lobe from the ________ and ______ lobe

superior; middle

This fissure is only present on the right lung

Horizontal fissure

Terminal bronchioles divide into microscopic ___________ bronchioles


Respiratory bronchioles divide into ________ _____

Alveolar ducts

Alveolar ducts lead to _______ ____

Alveoli sacs

Cup-shaped pouches in the lung lined with simple squamous epithelium
