Chapter 15 (Forensic Serology) - Review Questions

Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood can be classified by its [blank].


T/F: No two individuals, except for identical twins, can be expected to have the same combination of blood types or antigens.


[Blank] is the fluid portion of unclotted blood.


The liquid that separates from the blood when a clot is formed is called the [blank].


[Blank] transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

Red blood cells

On the surface of red blood cells are chemical substances called [blank], which impart blood type characteristics to the cell.

(Antigens are located on the red blood cells and are responsible for blood-type characteristics)

Type A individuals have [blank] antigens on the surface of their red blood cells.


Type O individuals have (both A and B, neither A nor B) antigens on their red blood cells.

neither A nor B

The presence or absence of the [blank] and [blank] antigens on the red blood cells determines a person's blood type in the A-B-O system.

A and B

Serum contains proteins known as [blank], which destroy or inactivate antigens.


An antibody reacts with (any, only a specific) antigen.

only a specific

T/F: Agglutination describes the clumping together of red blood cells by the action of an antibody.


Type B blood contains [blank] antigens and anti-[blank] antibodies.

B / A

Type AB has (both anti-A and anti-B, neither anti-A nor anti-B) antigens.

neither anti-A nor anti-B

A drug-protein complex can be injected into an animal to form specific [blank] for that drug.


The term [blank] describes the study of antigen-antibody reactions.


Type AB red blood (is, is not) agglutinated by both anti-A and anti-B serum.


Type B red blood cells agglutinate when added to type (A,B) blood.


Type A red blood cells agglutinate when added to type (AB,O) blood.


The distribution of type A blood in the US is approximately (42, 15) percent.

(43% - type O, 42% - type A, 12% - type B, 3% - type AB.)

The distribution of type AB blood in the US is approximately (12, 3) percent.

(43% - type O, 42% - type A, 12% - type B, 3% - type AB.)

(All, Most) blood hemoglobin has peroxidase-like activity.


For many years, the most commonly used color test for identifying blood was the [blank] color test.


[Blank] reagent reacts with blood, causing it to luminesce.


Blood can be characterized as being of human origin by the [blank] test.

(Once the stain has been characterized as blood, the precipitin test will determine whether the stain is of human or animal origin.)

Antigens and antibodies (can, cannot) be induced to move toward each other under the influence of an electrical field.


The basic unit of heredity is the [blank].


Genes are positioned on threadlike bodied called [blank].

(A chromosome is a threadlike structure in the cell nucleus along which the genes are located.)

All nucleated cells in the human body, except the reproductive cells, have [blank] pairs of chromosomes


The sex of an offspring is always determined by the (mother, father).


Genes that influence given characteristic and are aligned with one another on a chromosome pair are known as [blank].

(An allele is any of several alternative forms of genes at a particular locus and that are aligned with one another on a chromosome pair.)

The [blank] color test is used to locate and characterize seminal stains.

acid phosphatase
(The best way to locate and at the same time characterize a seminal stain is to perform the acid phosphatase (an enzyme secreted into seminal fluid) color test.)

T/F: The reaction of luminol with blood results in the production of light rather than color.

(Produces light (luminescence) in a darkened area.)

Which of the following are not contained in plasma?
A. Leukocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. Phagocytes
D. Platelets

C. Phagocytes
(Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets are the solid materials suspended in plasma.)

A gene pair made up of two similar alleles - for example, AA and BB - is said to be:
A. Monoclonal
B. Heterozygous
C. Homozygous
D. Complementary

C. Homozygous
(A heterozygous gene pair is made up of two different alleles; a homozygous gene pair is made up of two similar alleles.)

The clumping together of red blood cells by the action of an antibody is known as:


To determine whether a bloodstain is of human or animal origin, the serologist will perform:

a precipitin test
(Once the stain has been characterized as blood, the precipitin test will determine whether the stain is of human or animal origin.)

Luminol can be used at crime scenes to:
A. Detect traces of blood without compromising potential DNA typing.
B. Light up the crime scene with a high degree of illumination.
C. Make hair evidence fluoresce.
D. Locate latent prints that otherwise would be o

A. Detect traces of blood without compromising potential DNA typing.

T/F: Chromosomes are the fundamental units of heredity.

(Genes are the fundamental units of heredity. A chromosome is a threadlike structure in the cell nucleus along which the genes are located.)

Acid-phosphatase is a major constituent of:


A stain can tentatively be identified as blood by:
A. The benzidine test
B. The phenolphthalein test
C. The luminol test
D. All of the above

D. All of the above
(A positive result from the Kastle-Meyer color test, in which the chemical phenolphthalein is used, is highly indicative of blood.)

A (phenotype, genotype) is an observable characteristic of an individual.


The combination of genes present in the cells of an individual is called the __________.


A gene (will, will not) appear in a child when it is present in one of the parents.


Plasma is composed principally of _________ and accounts for ________ percent of blood content.

water, 55

________ _______ _______ (erythrocytes), ________ ________ _______ (leukocytes), and ___________ are the solid materials in plasma; makes up the other _______ percent of blood.

red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, 45

Molecules that carry genetic info:


Plasma accounts for ___% of blood content


Erythrocytes are:

red blood cells

Leukocytes are:

white blood cells

Antigens are responsible for:

blood type characteristics

Type A blood has only anti-_______ and no anti-_______.

B, A
(In other words, Type A blood has only antibodies-B and no antibodies-A.)

Type B blood has only anti-_______ and no anti-_______.

A, B

Type AB blood has (neither/both) anti-A nor/or anti-B.


Type O blood has (neither/both) anti-A nor/or anti-B.


The position a gene occupies on a chromosome is called a:


_____ and ____ can cause a false positive for a Kastle-Meyer color test.

horseradish, potatoes

(Luminol/Bluestar) is more sensitive but it needs a completely dark room to work.
