blood and blood spatter review - forensics


another term for a blood platelet


another term for red blood cells


another term for white blood cells


blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart


blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart


proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to RBCs as an immune response


substances found on the surface of any foreign molecule or cell in the body that can trigger an immune response


clumping of red blood cells


which test produces light when possible blood is present


which test uses antibodies that react to human blood to tell if mammal blood is from a human


which test reacts with blood stains and turns pink if blood is present

Dr. Victor Balthazard

who was the first to research and analyze spatter patterns

Karl Landsteiner

who discovered the ABO and Rh blood groups


egyptians used what technique to try to cure diseases


blood typing is considered what kind of evidence


blood profiling is considered what kind of evidence


what component of RBCs carry oxygen


blood is red because it contains


blood is considered to be a type of

red blood cells

which type of cell is most abundant in blood

white blood cells

which type of blood cells fights disease as part of the immune system


blood plasma is made mostly of

dissolved proteins, nutrients, and wastes

blood plasma is 10% made up of

assist in blood clotting and repair damaged blood vessels

blood platelets serve what function

round since blood sticks together

when blood falls, it maintains what shape and why

satellite droplets

small secondary droplets around the main blood spatter drop are called

straight down

a circular drop of blood indicates a blood drop fell

dripping wounds

circular blood drops are common with what type of injury

Rhesus monkeys

the Rh factor was discovered when studying which organism's blood


if blood lands on a porous surface, such as wood or ceiling tile, then the edge of the drop of blood may form extensions called

beating, stabbing

medium velocity blood spatter measuring 1-4mm is common with what type of injury

blunt object impact

blood spatter larger than 4mm is common with what injury

if there are circular, un-nucleated RBCs

looking at blood through a microscope, how can you determine if it is from a mammal


during an antigen-antibody response, what binds to and destroys the foreign invaders


what type of WBC is activated during an antigen-antibody response

type AB

blood cells have both A and B antigen proteins

type O

blood cells have neither A nor B antigen proteins

type A

blood cells have A antigen protein

type B

blood cells have B antigen protein

type B

Blood plasma has anti-A antibodies

type A

blood plasma has anti-B anitbodies

type AB

blood plasma has neither anti-A and anti-B antibodies

type O

blood plasma has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies

type A

most common of ABO blood types

type AB

least common of ABO blood types

type Rh+

85% of the population is considered to have this

type Rh-

blood that does not clump in the 3rd testing well during a blood type

type B

12% of the population is considered to have this

use luminol powder

when first arriving at a crime scene, you do not see blood. what should you do?

use Kastle-Meyer test then ELISA test

you find a red stain at a crime scene but you are not sure if it is blood. what should you do?

type AB and A

if a person has type A blood, who can they donate blood to?

only type O

if a person has type O blood, who can they get a blood transfusion from?