Forensic Science - Chapter 1 - Review Questions

Briefly state the Locard principle.

Whenever two objects come into contact, there is always a transfer of material.

List the scientific method.

1) Observe a problem
2) Hypothesis
3) Experiment
4) Create a theory
5) Verify all evidence

Name seven types of U. S. laws.


Discuss three differences between criminal and civil law.

-Civil deals with noncriminal suits brought to protect or preserve a civil or private right.
-Criminal deals with regulation and enforcement of rights (federal prison)
-Violation of civil law are generally punishable by fines or transfer of property, whil

What is the purpose of a preliminary hearing?

To have a hearing before the magistrate or a judge to determine whether a person charged with a crime should be held for trial

What does the term "nolo contendere" mean

When a defendant neither admits nor denies committing a crime but accepts punishment as though he or she was guilty

What must the defendant prove to be found not guilty by reason of insanity?

They must prove they didn't know right from wrong

Explain how a violation and an infraction are different.

Every crime is a violation but an infraction is a minor one.

What are the differences between a misdemeanor and a felony?

-Misdemeanor is not a major crime: punished with minimal jail time or a fine
-Felony: major crime punished by jail

What are the Federal Rules of Evidence, and why are they needed?

Must be probative and material so evidence is consistently accepted. These rules define what evidence is admissible and how it can be used for the jury.

Why is hearsay inadmissible in court?

It's not reliable., is not taken under oath, and does not allow for cross-examination.

What's the major difference between the Frye standard and Daubert ruling when dealing with physical evidence and determining whether or not it will be accepted?

Frye must be approved by science and Daubert is tested by science

If you were caught in a burglary, what procedures would you expect to experience before sentencing?

-Arrested: Miranda
-Booked: ID, mugshot
-Arraignment: set bail/dismiss case/set trial date
-Preliminary: attorney presents evidence
-Bail set