Forensic Science Sample 4

trace evidence

occurs as a result of physical contact between a suspect and victim/crime scene during a crime

examples of trace evidence

Fibers, hair, soil, wood, gunshot residue and pollen

compound microscope

used for viewing samples at high magnification (40 - 1000x), which is achieved by the combined effect of two sets of lenses: the ocular lens (in the eyepiece) and the objective lenses (close to the sample).

hair shaft

the part of a hair projecting beyond the surface of the skin (contains the cortex, cuticle, and medulla)


the outermost layer; protects the inside of the hair shaft from damage.


The cortex of the hair shaft is located between the hair cuticle and medulla and is the thickest hair layer. It also contains most of the hair's pigment, giving the hair its color. The pigment in the cortex is melanin, which is also found in skin.


the innermost layer of the hair shaft; serves as the pith or marrow of the hair.


the part of the hair below the surface of the skin


A sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of the skin.


the growth phase


transitional phase


resting phase (hair falls out)

chemical testing methods

burn, acid, base, acetone

natural fibers

wool, silk, cotton, cashmere

synthetic fibers

polyester, spandex, acrylic, nylon