Semester final forensics

Rough and bumpy skeleton


Smooth skeleton


Subpuic angle of 105 degreees


Subpubic angle of 86 degrees


Triangular pubis


Jaw angle of 105 degrees


Rectangular pubis


Oval shaped pelvic cavity


Heart shaped pelvic cavity


Rounded eye sockets


Square eye socket


Thick brow ridge


Occipital protuberance is present


Frontal bone is slopping and low


Frontal bone is high and more rounded


What is the periosteum?

A dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surface of the joints

Coronal sutures close around the age of


Around what age do do bones stop growing and have the possibility to start deteriorating


Can you use suture lines to determine someone's age


The sagittal suture closes by age


The squamous suture closes by age


The lambdoidal suture starts to close by____ and is closed by age ___

21 , 30

How many bones do adults have?

Babies have 270 adults have 206

Is it possible to tell if someone had a certain disease from their bones?

Yes but not every disease affects the Skelton

What is cartilage?

Wraps the end of bones for protection and keeps them from scratching against each other

What is diaphysis?

Shaft of a bone

What is epiphysis?

Unattached end of bone that eventually becomes fused with the bone shaft

What is the growth plate

Area of cartilage between the shaft and cap of an immature bone

What are joints

Locations where the bone meets

What are ligaments

Bands of tissue connecting two or more bones

What is ossification

Process that replaces cartilage with bone by the deposition of minerals

List the five manners of death

Natural, accidental, homicidal, suicidal, undetermined

Which manner of death is the most common manner of death


What is the post Mortem interval

Time since death

Where in the body is the temperature of a corpse taken


Normal human body temperature is


During the first 12 hours of death, the body loses how many degrees per hour


After the first 12 hours of death, the body loses how many degrees per hour


What is dual livity

Occurs when the body is in 1 for two hours after death then moved

What is livor Mortis

Pooling of the blood in the body

What is rigor mortis

Stiffening of the skeleton

What is algor mortis

Cooling of the body

If there is still food in a persons stomach, they died___ after his/her last meal

0-2 hours

What is an example of an undetermined death

Can't determine if it is a suicide or drug overdose

The following description describes which stage of decomposition? "Odor of decaying flesh is present and the


The following description describes which stage of decomposition? "Very strong odor. Parts of the flesh appears black. Gases escapes and the corpse collapses.

Black putrefaction

The following description describes which stage of decomposition? "Corpse is beginning to dry out. Most of the flesh is gone.

Butyric fem

If the eyes remain closed after death, potassium will enter the eyes and cause them to appear cloudy. This process takes how many hours after death

Within 24 hours

If the eyes remain open after death, potassium will enter the eyes and cause them to appear cloudy. This process takes how many hours after death

2-3 hours

What species of insects are often studied in forensics science to estimate PMI?


Eggs are normally laid in the body within ___ after death

The cuts or wounds(trauma), ears, nose and mouth

What is a forensics entomologist

Application of entomology, to civil and criminal legal causes

What does ADH stand for?

Accumulated degree hour

What is an autopsy

Medical examination to determine the cause of death

What are the two types of people can request an autopsy

Family and coroner/physicians

What is the rokitansky method

An autopsy that removes all organs at once

What does running the gut mean

To remove bowels and stomach

What is the first step of autopsy

external examination

What type of solution is the brain placed in before it can be examined?



Depressant, 1


Depressant and no schedule

Crystal meth

Stimulant, 2


Narcotic, 2

MDMA/ Ecstasy

Hallucinogens/club drug, 1


Narcotic, 2


Hallucinogens, 1


Club drug, 1


Hallucinogens, 1

Cocaine/ crack cocaine

Stimulant, 2


Depressant, 4


Depressant, 4

Suicide/exposures intended to harm or kill others


Drugs taken to treat an illness or relive pain


Ingested/exposed; unintentional overdose/combinations


What is a controlled substance

A drug or other chemical compact whose manufacturing, distributing,

What is a narcotic

An addictive, sleep inducing drug, often derived from opium. That acts as a central nervous system depressant and suppresses pain

What is a poison

A natural or manufactured substance that can cause severe illness or death if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin

What is toxicity

The degree to which as substance is poisonous or can cause illness

What is toxicology

The study of drugs, poison, toxins, and other substances that harm a person when used for medical, recreational or criminal purpose

Toxicity depends on what factors

Dose, duration, nature of exposure, other factors.

What four ways can people be exposed to drugs or other toxics

Ingested, inhaled, injected and absorbed

How are substances place in schedules

Abuse and medical use

What is counterfeiting

The forging of of currency; also the the forging of other government-issued documents and production of fake name brand products for profit

What is an exemplar

A standard document of known origin and authorship used in handwriting analysis for comparison to documents of unknown authorship

What is the difference between forgery and fraudulence

Forgery is a method of fraud

Know the 12 characteristic traits of handwriting and know what they mean

Line quality, spacing, size consistency, continuously, connecting letters, letters completed, cursive and printed letters, pen pressure, slant, line habit, fancy and loops, curls, placement of t's and I's

Name four limitations(factors that affect handing writing) when it comes to document analysis

Instrument(writing utensils), mood, age, stress

What is the number one security feature when thinking about counterfeit currency

Color shifting ink

Fraudulence is

Deliberate deception to secure unfair or illegal finical gain