Forensics Chapter 6: Blood Spatter

Who discovered 3 of the 4 blood types and Rh protein?

Karl Landsteiner

The study of blood applied to crime is referred to as what?

Forensic Serology

Blood typing is considered what form of evidence?


DNA profiling from blood is considered what form of evidence?


Where is blood produced?

In bone marrow

Give the scientific and common names for the three types of cells found in blood.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes) White blood cells (Leukocytes)
Platelets (Thrombocytes)

What protein found in RBC allows them to carry oxygen?


What cell structure is found in a WBC but not in other blood cells?


What type of WBC helps to identify bacteria and viruses in the body and produce antibodies and cells that specifically target them?


What is the most numerous type of white blood cell and your first line of defense when infection strikes?


What two functions are platelets used for?

Blood clotting and Repair of damaged blood vessels

What is the name of the liquid portion of blood? What is it made of?

Plasma- 90% water , 10% dissolved proteins, nutrients, and wastes

Which type of blood vessel caries blood towards the heart?


Which type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?


Which type of blood vessel supplies cells with nutrients then removes waste?


Blood typing can't pinpoint individuals, so why is it so often used for crime scene blood evidence?

It can either include or exclude someone as a suspect.

If a person's blood cells have neither A nor B antigen proteins, but do have Rh antigen proteins, what blood type do they have?


If a person's blood cells have B antigen proteins, but they lack both A and Rh proteins, what blood type do they have?

B negative

Y-shaped proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to antigens to destroy them are called what?


What happens during an antigen-antibody response?

Antibodies are secreted from white blood cells and thy attach to antigens to break them down and destroy them.

The clumping of Red Blood Cells is called what?


Why might a forensic investigator test blood for unique blood proteins outside of the ABO blood groups?

It will make the blood evidence more individualized.

Who was the first scientist to research and analyze spatter patterns?

Dr. Victor Balthazard

When a blood droplet falls, it maintains its round shape. Which two proteins are responsible for this?

Cohesion, Surface tension

Small secondary droplets around the main drop that are due to blood falling from a height or at a high velocity are called what?

Satellite Droplets

What does an elongated blood drop indicate?

blood was traveling from a different direction when it landed on the surface

In tear-drop stains, which end points in the direction of travel? Where do secondary, smaller droplets tend to land?

The tail or sharp end; in front of the main droplet

What is the name of the lines scientists use to locate the source of the blood when there are two or more spatters?

Lines of convergance

In order to approximate a point of origin, what must be measured?

Length and width of blood droplets (trigonometry)

Which blood transfer pattern forms when the transfer of blood onto a uncontaminated surface occurs?

Swipe Pattern

Which blood transfer pattern forms when an object moves through blood that has not completely dried and as a result moves, removes, or otherwise alters the evidence?

Wipe Pattern

What is it called when an artery is damaged and the blood spurts or gushes from the wound in large volume pulses?

Arterial Spurting

How is blood from a cut vein different than an artery?

Vein- steady, slow-flowing; dark red Artery- spurting blood; pulsing flow; bright red

Impact wounds with high speed and velocity will typically have what size of blood spatter?

Less than 1mm

Movement and number of swings can often be documented by examining which type of blood spatter pattern?

Cast-Off Pattern

During a cast-off pattern, where do we normally find round blood spatter droplets?


Which chemical test detects Hemoglobin left behind by blood and luminesces?

Luminal powder and hydrogen peroxide

What chemical test is used to determine if stains are in fact blood?

Kastle-Meyer Test

Before packaging blood stained material, what does a forensic scientist need to do?

1)Recognize 2) Document 3) Preserve 4)Correctly evaluate

Under a microscope, how can you tell if fresh blood is from a mammal?

If the blood has circular, un-nucleated RBC's

What chemical test is used to determine if mammal blood is human blood?