Forensics - Blood and Blood Spatter

Red blood cells

Carry respiratory gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, contains hemoglobin

White blood cells

Fight disease and foreign elements.


Help blood clot and repair damaged vessels


Liquid containing antibodies, hormones, clotting factors, and nutrients


On the surface of some red blood cells, provokes an immune response


Y-shaped protein molecule that binds to the molecular shape of specific antigens


iron containing protein in red blood cells, binds to oxygen in the lungs, transports oxygen to cells in all body tissues

What type of cells engulf and digest foreign elements?

white blood cells

What type of cells secrete antibodies?

white blood cells - specifically, B-lymphocytes

What component of the blood can be used for DNA profiling and why?

white blood cells because they have nuclei

Give the 4 components of blood in order of percentages, from least to greatest.

white blood cells, platelets, red blood cells, plasma

What type of evidence is blood type?

class evidence

How is blood type helpful as evidence?

It is used to EXCLUDE suspects.


clumping of red blood cells

Who discovered the 3 blood types?

Karl Landsteiner in 1901

What determines a person's blood type?

the presence or absence of antigens

Adult humans have _____ liters (______ quarts) of blood.

5.5 liters or 6 quarts

The heart pumps _____ liters of blood hourly.

300 liters

What type of test is used to determine blood type?

an antibody reaction test

If you have Type A blood, then the antigen on the surface of your red blood cells is the _______________________ .

A antigen

If you have Type B blood, then the antigen on the surface of your red blood cells is the _______________________ .

B antigen

If you have Type AB blood, then the antigens on the surface of your red blood cells are the _______________________ .

A and B antigens

If you have Type O blood, what antigens are on the surface of your red blood cells?

There are no antigens on Type O red blood cells.

List the blood types in order of frequency, from least common to most common.

Type AB (3%)
Type B (12%)
Type A (40%)
Type O (45%)

What additional antigen was discovered from research on rhesus monkeys?

the Rh factor

When something foreign enters a body, our immune system responds. What is this response called?

the antigen-antibody response

What is one aspect of antibodies that contributes to agglutination?

Its Y shape promotes clotting.

If a person's blood is mixed with antibodies that bind to the A antigen, but no clotting occurs, then do they have A antigens on their red blood cells?

No. No clotting means that the person does not have that particular antigen.

If Type A blood occurs in 42% of the population, and Rh- occurs in 15% of the population, what are the chances of a person having Type AB- blood?

0.42 x 0.15 = 0.063
0.063 x 100 = 6.3
6.3% of the population has A- blood type.

What does it mean when we say blood is cohesive?

The molecules of blood are attracted to each other; in other words, blood tends to stick together

What are the small secondary droplets of blood around a main droplet called?


When a drop of blood hits a surface the splatter may have elongated extensions around the edges called _______________.


The tendency of blood to stick to other surfaces is called _____________.


If blood is dropped straight down at a 90 degree angle, what shape will it make on the surface where it lands?


If blood is released at an angle that is NOT 90 degrees, what shape will it take upon landing?


At a crime scene, can elliptical blood drops inform investigators about the direction the blood was traveling?

yes, the pointed end "points" in the direction the blood was moving

A cast-off blood pattern is often made by what?

a weapon

The smaller the angle of impact (example 10 degrees), the ________________ the blood droplet.

more elongated

A bloody shoe print is an example of a _________________ pattern.


A bright red blood splatter on the wall that appears to have been sprayed under some pressure is called _______________________.

an arterial gush

Blood blown out of the mouth or nose is called __________________.

expired blood

A door is covered in blood but behind the door the wall is clean. This is an example of a ________________________ pattern.

shadowing or void

Blood ______________________ after it leaves the body, giving investigators a way to estimate the age of the blood deposit.

congeals (thickens)

A technique called _______________________________ can be used to calculate the height above the floor where the injury took place (from a 2 dimensional view).

area of convergence

The location of the blood source as viewed in 3 dimensions

area of origin

How can the angle of impact be calculated?

1. measure width and length of blood droplet
2. Divide the width by the length
3. take the inverse sine of that ratio

What does a fine mist spatter pattern (drops < 1mm) indicate?

high velocity impact, such as a shotgun

What do blood drops 1 - 4 mm in size indicate?

medium velocity, beatings/stabbings

What do blood drops 4 - 6 mm in size indicate?

low velocity, impact with a blunt object such as a bat

What chemical reveals blood even after it has been washed away many times?


What test is used to see if a sample is actually human blood?

ELISA test (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay)

Can bloody clothes from a crime scene be stored in plastic containers?

No; they should be dry, packaged, and refrigerated/frozen at the lab

Can different bloodstained items from a crime scene be placed in the same paper bag?

No, each item needs its own package, always labelled completely.

What do the size and shape of blood stains tell us?

1. directionality
2. speed
3. angle of impact
4. the nature of the wound
5. perhaps the source of blood

Blood-spatter analysis can _____________________ eyewitness testimony.

confirm or refute