Forensic Science - Mod 5 Study Guide FLVS

The diameter of the gun barrel is known as the caliber.


A tool suspected of being used at a crime scene should be tried out in a tool mark to see if it fits.


IBIS was created for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in the United States.


The barrel of a gun is also known as what?


When a tool mark is found, what is done first?

Taking a photograph of the mark

Where can a bullet be marked with the investigator's initials?

On the base

Which of the following is generally a good way to pick up a firearm to preserve evidence?

By the trigger guard

What is used to make a cast of a tool mark?

Silicone rubber

Spiral grooves cut into the barrel of a gun in order to make a bullet spin as it is fired are known as what?


If a gun is found in water, what should investigators do to transport it to the lab?

Keep the gun in some of the same water

What tool is used in analyzing bullets?

Comparison microscope

Bullets have only class characteristics, not individual characteristics.


The first step in collecting a firearm from a crime scene is what?

Ensuring safety

When a bullet is fired, gunpowder only travels back toward the shooter.


Gunpowder residue is most likely to show up where on a shooter's hands?

The thumb web