Forensic Semester Review

Who is the father of forensic toxicology?

Mathieu Orfilla

List the reason why the US saw a rapid growth of crime labs.

Supreme Court decision in the 1960's that placed greater emphasis on scientifically evaluated evidence.
Accelerated drug abuse
Initiation of DNA profiling

What does FBI stand for?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Which type of law is also known as public law and cases tried are always the person vs the state?

Criminal Law

Which of the law is known as private law and more concerned with assigning blame than intent?

Civil Law

Jaywalking would be considered which type of crime?


Homicide would be considered which type of crime?


True or False: Motive must be proved in court.


Who is the plaintiff in criminal law?

The state that the crime was committed in

Trace Evidence Examiner

Fibers, hairs, paint, glass

Firearms Examiner

Includes firearms, shells, and casings

Questioned Document Examiner

Handwriting, checks, ink, paper

Forensic Toxicologist

Drugs, poisons

Forensic psychologist


Forensic Entomologist


Forensic Pathologist

Determines possible cause of death

Forensic Odontologist


Forensic Engineer

Crashes or failure of structure

Sir Francis Galton

Fingerprint Analysis: classified prints according to ridge characteristics

August Vollmer

Chain of custody: created a training program for the proper collection, preservation and handling of evidence.

Alphonse Bertillon

Anthropometry: a method for personal identification based on body parts.

Albert S. Osborn

Document Analysis: handwriting expert

Lawrence Kersta

Voice analysis: compare the resonance and pitch of the human instrument

Mikhail Gerasimov

Facial Reconstruction: Recorded the depths of flesh on various parts of the head.

Calvin Goddard

Firearms Examination: examined casings and bullets from the 1929 St. Valentin's Massacre

Alec Jefferys

DNA fingerprinting: Used a key component found in chromosomes

Circumstantial Evidence

Indirect evidence; evidence used to imply a fact but not prove it directly

Class Evidence

Material that connects an individual or thing to a group that share similar characteristics

Direct Evidence

Evidence that (if true) proves an alleged fact, such as an eyewitness account of a crime

Individual Evidence

A material that can be related to a single source

Trace Evidence

Small but measurable amounts of physical or biological material found at a crime scene

Control Sample

Material that comes from a proven or known source

Primary Crime Scene

The location where the crime took place

Secondary Crime Scene

A location other than where the crime took place, but is in some way related to the crime and where evidence is found

What should be included in a crime scene sketch

A label to indicate the direction of north on the diagram
A scale of size
The location of the crime scene
The type of search pattern detectives used to make the sketch

Forensic science is the application of science to


It is important to separate witnesses at a crime scene in order to

Prevent them from talking and forming a collusion

The ability to establish the exact whereabouts of an item of evidence and under whose control it was from its collection at the crime scene to its presentation in the courtroom and everywhere in between is called:

chain of custody

List types of direct evidence

Video recording
Eyewitness statement

Any removal of evidence from a crime scene must be in accordance with what Amendment?


The Cross Race Effect (CRE) is a phenomenon in which people are better at recognizing faces of their own race rather than those of other races.


According to the Innocence Project (2008) "________________ is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in more than 75% of convictions overturned through DNA testing.

eyewitness misidentification

List types of trace evidence

Hairs, fibers, small paint chips

Locard's Exchange Principal states that every _________ leaves a __________.

Contact, trace

True or False: A crime scene can never be searched without a warrant.


True or False: A polygraph is always admissible in court as direct evidence.


How often does a full head of hair get replaced?

Every third year

While getting dressed, you dropped your shirt on the floor and picked up dog hair. When you arrived at school and sat in your desk chair, you transferred some of that dog hair to the chair. This is an example of what?

Secondary Transfer

What can be determined from Hair analysis?

body region from which the hair came from
identity of the individual from which the hair came from
broad racial background of the individual from which the hair came from (if have the root only)
manner in which the hair was removed

The hair shaft is composed of what important protein?


This layer of hair is made of scales that overlap and point toward the distal tip:


When hairs found at a crime scene look similar to those collected from a suspect, a forensic expert should say:

They could have a common origin

When collecting hairs from a suspect to compare to those found at a crime scene, how many control hairs should be collected from the head? From the pubic region?

50 from head; 25 from pubic region

The average hair grows how much per month?

1.3 cm

What is the first step in testing the hair shaft for substances such as drugs?

dissolving the hair

Hair without the root is considered what type of evidence?


What are the two main parts of a hair?

follicle and shaft

True or False: The medulla is always present in a hair?


Which part(s) of a hair can be analyzed for DNA?


When observing a cat hair under the microscope the ________________ is arranged like a "string of pearls.


Put the following in order from smallest to largest: Textile, fiber , yarn

Fiber, yarn, textile

How much time does it typically take for 95 percent of fiber evidence to fall off after a crime?

24 Hours

Cotton is often too common to provide much forensic evidence. What might make cotton fiber evidence more unique?

If it has been died

If there is a limited amount of fiber found at the crime scene, scientists perform this test so that will not damage the evidence:

Infrared Spectroscopy or polarizing light microscopy

Plant fibers are made of what material?


Animal fibers are made of what material?


Natural fibers can be harvested from:

Plants, animals, minerals

Silk is not frequently used as forensic
evidence, why?

Fibers are long and do not shed easily

Fibers are considered what kind of evidence


These fibers tend to be much stronger.

Synthetic Fibers

These fibers can often be damaged by microorganisms

Natural Fibers

These fibers can deteriorate in bright sun

Synthetic Fibers

Under magnification, these fibers have very regular diameters

Synthetic Fibers

Under magnification, these fibers might have a cuticle

Natural Fibers

Polyester is considered this type of fiber

Synthetic Fibers

Mohair is considered this type of fiber

Natural Fibers

Number of fingerprints stored in the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

Fifty million

Glands associated with hair follicles


On the right hand, this loop pattern opens towards the left


Minutiae pattern that looks like a "Y


Chloride from salt in sweat on a print combines with this to form dark colored prints

Silver Nitrate

Fuming this chemical causes fingerprints to appear brown then quickly fade


A fingerprint pattern that resembles a bull's-eye


Arch pattern with a spike in the middle


This whorl pattern is made up of any two loops combined into one print


A triangular ridge pattern with ridges that go in different directions above and below a triangle; found in all loop and whorl patterns


FBI's electronic storage and search program for fingerprints


A fingerprint pattern in which the ridge enters from one side, curves, then exits on the same side


Fingerprints typically form during this week of pregnancy


A hidden fingerprint made visible through the use of powders or other techniques


Glands associated with the hands and feet


The combination of details in the shapes and positions of ridges in fingerprints that make each unique; also called ridge characteristics


A fingerprint that happens when fingers with blood, ink, chalk, grease or dirt on them touch a surface and transfer the pattern of their fingerprint to that surface


To be absolutely certain two prints match, they must have this many common minutiae


A fingerprint pattern in which the ridge pattern originates from one side of the print and leaves from the other side


A center of a loop or whorl pattern


These cells grow faster than the layers above and below so it collapses and folds to form the shapes of a fingerprint


Fingerprints are this type of evidence


A three-dimensional fingerprint made in soft material such as clay, soap, paint, putty, or wax


Time it takes AFIS to produce a list of potential matches from a fingerprint

Two hours

Super glue fingerprinting method


These appear white on a fingerprint image


Results in a Purple-blue print when amino acids found in sweat react with this chemical


These appear dark on a fingerprint image


Method used to lift fingerprints after dusting


An impression left on any surface that consists of patterns made by ridges on the tip of a finger


The study of fingerprints


The maximum number of minutiae found to be shared between two different individuals


Method of fingerprinting still used today

Galton Henry

The outermost layer of skin


On the left hand, this loop pattern opens towards the left


True or False? Fingerprints are considered to be a form of class evidence.

False, fingerprints are considered to be a form of INDIVIDUAL evidence

True or False? Patent prints must be dusted or chemically treated in order to identify the ridge pattern and minutiae.

False, patent fingerprints are visible; LATENT prints must be dusted or chemically treated.

True or False? Whorls are the most common form of fingerprints.

False, LOOPS are the most common form of fingerprints.

True or False? No one has found two people with more than 8 minutiae in common.


True or False? It is necessary to obtain a full print from a suspect in order to match his fingerprint with a fingerprint found at the crime scene

False, the size of the print doesn't matter, just so long as you can find 12 matching minutiae.

True or False? Fingerprints are formed within the basal layer of the skin.


True or False? Identical twins have matching fingerprints.

False, no two individuals have been found to have matching fingerprints, even identical twins.

Fingerprints are formed

At 10 weeks' gestation

One way to make prints visible is to apply certain chemicals. What aspect of a fingerprint chemically reacts with Ninhydrin?

Amino Acids

Which of the following is known as the super glue test:

Cyanoacrylate vapor

These appear white on a fingerprint:


Whose fingerprint method is still used today?

Galton Henry

Which fingerprint test reacts with amino acids and forms white prints?

Cyanoacrylate vapor

Fingerprints that are actual indentations left in some soft material such as clay or putty are referred to as


What program provides digital, automated fingerprint searches for the FBI?

Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)

Explain how AFIS works:

AFIS provides digital, automated fingerprint searches, latent searches, electronic storage of fingerprint photo files, and the electronic exchange of fingerprints and test results. To use AFIS, an unknown print is scanned and entered into computer. The co

Describe how to take a ridge count from a fingerprint:

To take a ridge count, an imaginary line is drawn from the center of the core to the edge of the delta and intersecting ridges are counted.