Forensics Science ch 7 vocab


An alternate form of a gene


A cell structure that contains genetic information along strands of DNA

DNA fingerprint

Pattern of DNA fragments obtained by examining a person's unique sequence of DNA base pairs

DNA probe

A molecule labeled with a radioactive isotope to die or enzyme that is used to locate a particular sequence or gene on a DNA molecule


A method of separating molecules such as DNA according to their size and electrical charge using an electric current passing through it a gel containing the samples


Segment of DNA on a chromosome that contains information used to produce a protein or RNA molecule


A method used to rapidly make multiple copies of a specific segment of DNA

Restriction enzyme

The molecule that cut the DNA molecule at specific base sequences


Tandem repeats of short DNA sequences with varying numbers of repeats found among individuals have 2 - 5 base pairs


Tandem repeats of a short DNA sequence about 9 to 80 base pairs with the varying numbers of repeats among them

DNA fingerprinting

What is also known as DNA profiling it is used with a high degree of accuracy

Genetic material

DNA contains what of a cell


Chromosomes are located where


Contain long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins

Adenine cytosine guanine and thymine

What are the four nitrogenous bases

Adenine binds with thymine and cytosine binds with guanine

Base pairing rules for the nitrogenous bases


Non-coding DNA that contain long unique patterns of repeated base sequences that are unique to an individual

DNA fingerprinting

What isolates and analyzes polymorphisms

Shoulder-length make STR easier to use than VNTR

What is easier to use the vntr or Str and why

Tissue matching and inheritance matching

What VNTR and STR analyzed for

Tissue matching

Two samples that have the same band pattern are from the same person

Inheritance matching

Each band a child's DNA fingerprint must be present and at least one parent

Population genetics

The study of Gene variations among groups of individuals

Biological evidence

Saliva blood skin hair are examples of what

Individual evidence

Is capable of identifying a specific person

Trace evidence

Small amounts of evidence

Polymerase chain reaction

Technique generates multiple copies of DNA evidence

Disposable gloves and collection instruments avoid physical contact and the evidence area Airdrie the evidence and put it into new paper bags dry or freeze it and keep the evidence cool and dry

What is the collection in preparation of DNA


Covert isolated from biological evidence such as blood saliva urine Heron and they are distributed to release the DNA from proteins

From the nucleus of the cell

Where can DNA be extracted from


Polymers chain reaction can be used to do what to the DNA that contains of the VNTR

DNA moves towards a positive ends

What way does DNA move

DNA probe

Identify the unique sequence in a person's DNA

6 to 8 Probs

In most criminal cases how many probes are used

Deoxyribonucleic acid

What does DNA stand for

Genetic information

DNA contains what

Made up of sugar and phosphate molecules

The sides or backbone of the DNA molecule are made up of what

Heat sunlight moisture bacteria in world

What environmental factors can affect DNA

When for how long the suspect was at the crime

What can DNA not


And electric database of DNA profiles that can identify a suspect

Cookie an extraction is important part of the process because the DNA 43 pierside away from proteins and other cellular containment

What are some reasons for extracting DNA

A nucleus is inside every cell there's about two meters of DNA in the cell

What is inside every cell of the human body and how much DNA is present

The skin on the inside of your mouth because it loses thousands of cells everyday

What is a good an easy place to extract DNA from humans

1 collect cheek cells to herself open to release DNA three separate DNA from protein for isolate concentrate DNA

What are the steps to purify DNA from a test subject

Lysis means to separate in Greek

What does lysis mean in Greek

It contains two important ingredients detergent and an enzyme called proteinsek

Why is lysis solution used for DNA extractions

The focus of proteins and other cell debris to clump together

What does the salt solution do to the sample

To separate the DNA from the liquid

Why do you put the sample in the centrifuge

It allows you to see the company with your naked eye

What does the isopropyl alcohol allow you to do

Spinach chicken liver strawberries and broccoli

What are some household items you can extract DNA from

Double Helix. Looks like a twisted ladder. Alternating sugar/phosphate backbone with nitrogen base rungs.

Briefly describe the structure of a DNA molecule.

Sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine)

What 3 parts make up a DNA nucleotide?


How many strings does a DNA molecule have

46 total chromosomes (23 pairs); each sperm or egg cell contains 3 billion bases of DNA

How many total chromosomes do humans have? How many base pairs of DNA are found in human DNA?

Criminal and legal cases to see if a suspect is linked to a crime scene or can be excluded; paternity cases; tissue matching; identification of victim; free individuals who were falsely imprisoned; identification of human remains (example: after natural d

What can DNA fingerprinting be used for (name 3)?

Non-coding DNA that contain unique patterns of repeated base sequences that are unique to individuals

What polymorphisms

STR stands for short tandem repeats, usually a noncoding region 2-5 DNAbases in length. STR is more preferred as it has higher accuracy by examining smaller DNA samples. VNTR stands for variable numbers of tandem repeats, usually a noncoding region that v

What is the difference between STR and VNTR? Which is more useful to study?

Combined DNA Index System. It is an electronic database of DNA profiles, consisting of individuals who have been convicted of rape, murder, child abuse, etc. The DNA profiles are intered into the database upon conviction.

What does CODIS stand for? What is it used for?

Mitochondria...inherited from female parent

Which cell organelle contains its own DNA? Is this DNA inherited from male or female parent?

blood, skin, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal fluid, hair that contains the follicle

Name 5 examples of sources of biological evidence.

Where disposable gloves and change them often use disposable instrument Airdrie evidence avoid talking sneezing or coughing but other than that new paper bags

Name 5 ways to avoid the contamination of DNA evidence.

In a paternity case, a child will have half of the DNA that was inherited from the mother and half of the DNA that was inherited from the father. This will be evident on the bands from gel electrophoresis. In a murder case, in order to convict someone bas

What is the difference in matching DNA profiles for a paternity case or a murder case?

The current causes the negatively charged DNA to move toward the positively charged end of the gel. The DNA migrates through the gel

How do you know an electric current is occurring in electrophoresis?

PCR allows forensic scientists to make billions of copies of DNA from tiny amounts in a matter of several hours. It has allowed the study of DNA fingerprinting to be used in many cases where there was only a very small DNA sample available

Why was the discovery of PCR in 1993 so impactful on the study of DNA fingerprints?

Free step instruction where you extract the DNA from the cells second step is the restriction fragments and some GTRs the DNA is cut by the restriction enzymes the Restriction enzyme recognizes a unique pattern of DNA bases and will cut the DNA at specifi

In detail, explain the process of DNA fingerprinting.

1. isolate the DNA 2. cut DNA using restriction enzymes 3.use electrophoresis 4. southern blotting 5.add radioactive tag probe to x-ray film. 7. result an auto radiograph

Steps to extracting DNA