Chapter 9: Forensic Toxicology


the study of drugs, poisons, toxins, and other substances that harm a person when used for medical, recreational, or criminal purposes


can determine the effect of a drug, establish a cause or effect of the exposure, develop treatments and techniques for detection

Toxicity of a drug depends on

does (amount), duration (longer vs shorter), nature of exposure (inhalation is different than injection), interaction with other drugs (alcohol and cocaine es no bueno), and by-products (some drugs ingested can be turned harmful by the body).

Provide example of drugs that are

inhaled: marijuana, nicotine(cigarettes)
ingested: alcohol, pills
injection: heroin, morphine
absorption: LSD, nicotine(patches)

Presumptive vs Confirmatory testing

Presumptive: usually less expensive and is done first, just says yes there is a possibility for the drug or not, performed by the first-responders more often than not
Confirmatory: more expensive and extensive, able to identify a certain drug, performed b

Qualitative vs Quantitative Testing

Qualitative: what is it? is it illegal?
Quantitative: how much is there?

Color presumptive testing

the presence or absence of a drug can be determined the changing of a color on a strip or liquid

Microscopic examination of plant matter presumptive testing

I think its stated in the name...


keeps things dry and place in paper bags (plastic would cut off air flow and cause biological material to react chemically)
syringes with needles should be placed in a glass container labeled biohazard
some evidence is volatile so handle with extreme caut

Drug-sniffing dogs

can detect the scent of drugs without having to search every person that walks through an airport

illegal drug

a drug that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness, as limited or no medical use, and is listed in Schedule I of the U.S. Controlled substance act
Ex: Heroin, Ecstasy, GHB, Marijuana, LSD

controlled drug

something whose manufacture, distribution, possession, and use are regulated by the legal system

Controlled drugs are actually legal drugs when

they are used properly (with a prescription)

drugs are considered controlled based on their

effect, potential for abuse, and degree to which they can cause dependency

dependency vs adddiction

addiction: craving for a drug, has withdrawal symptoms if not taken
dependency: craving for a drug, does not have withdrawal symptoms

Why are these considered controlled drugs

amphetamines: high risk of production, bad physical effects on the body
depressants: addictive, slow down bodily functions
anabolic steroids: extreme abuse symptoms (aggression, high blood pressure, blood clotting, cancer, and heart attacks)
some narcotic


considered a depressant;
affects people in different ways depending on their size, amount, food eaten
proof = 2x alcohol percentage
alcohol is exhaled after it has been ingested
liver has to work to rid the body of alcohol, causing toxic metabolites to be

Crime and Drug abuse

Drug abuse can cause many deaths which leads to a life of crime, dependency on drugs causes one to think irrationally, a criminal lifestyle often includes drugs

The 5 Schedules

based on their accepted medical use and the potential for dependency
Schedule I contains the most dangerous drugs, Schedule V the least

Toxin vs Poison

Poison is a natural or manufactured substance that can cause severe illness or death if exposed to, while a toxin are any poisons that are naturally made

Heavy Metals

Arsenic: found in ground water (naturally contaminates drinking water
Lead: found in old paints, bullets, and weights (kids can eat those paint chips)
Mercury: found in fish and coal power plant pollutant; Mad Hatter's Disease (plants would dump their pol

Acute vs Chronic Poisoning

Acute: a lot in a little amount of time (food poisoning)
Chronic: spread out over a long period of time (getting sick from pollution in the air over the course of years)

Herbicides and Pesticides

Poison from these are stored in the fatty tissue and can build up over time. Symptoms increase as exposure is prolonged.


various forms such as powder or mist which can be inhaled, ingested, or injected into the body. Takes about 6 hours to take affect and only 500 micrograms of the substance is needed to kill

Lethal Gases

Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide,

Carbon Monoxide

Accidental and deliberate deaths occur due to CO ability to interfere with the body absorbing oxygen. Painless way to die because one would pass out and then just, you know, die.