Forensics- Crime Scene Test Study Guide

Percentage of jury pools watching crime scene shows


Material taken from the crime scene to use as evidence

substrate control

Exception to needing a warrant to search


Evidence that can imply but not prove a fact


Search that works well outdoors


Search that works well in a home


Used to show scale


medical dissection to determine COD


Container for trace evidence


Reason for not needing a warrant


Containers for arson materials must be


first hand observations (eyewitness account, videos, confessions)


Blood-stained materials must be stored in this type of container


Amendment that protects from warrantless search


Scene of the original crime


Search pattern that doesn't follow a geometric pattern


List of persons who come into possession of an item of evidence

chain of custody

Main difference between rough and final sketch


Used as a comparison to crime scene evidence

reference sample

Changes in jury pool due to watching crime scene

CSI effect

Used to give evidence a numerical value


Evidence that connects to a single person


Evidence that narrows to a group of suspects


Whenever 2 objects come in contact with one
another, a cross-transfer of physical evidence can

Locard Exchange

The intensity, duration, and nature of the materials
in contact determine the ________ of the transfer.


Example: finding a suspect's gun
at a crime scene is ________ evidence that the suspect was there.


Type of Circumstantial Evidence:
________ evidence: synthetic fibers,
weapons, bullets, shell casings, paint chips,
documents, imprints and prints (shoes,
tires, etc.), tool marks, soil, drugs, etc.


Type of Circumstantial Evidence:
________ evidence: body or body parts, body
fluids, hair, leaves or other plant parts, natural
fibers, feathers, wood


Type of Circumstantial Evidence:
________ evidence: small but measurable amounts of
physical or biological material found at a crime
scene. Examples: strand of hair, fingerprint, DNA,
drop of blood, pollen, gunshot residue


Example of ______ evidence: Blood Type- can be A, B, AB, O.
Finding one type at a crime scene narrows
down the suspects to a smaller group.


Example of ________ evidence: Fingerprints, handwriting,
DNA, and sometimes physical matches.


Importance of Evidence

1. Can prove a crime has been committed and set the scene for the investigation.
2. Can back up witness testimony or prove it false.
3. Can link a suspect with a victim or with a crime scene.
4. Can determine the identity of people associated with a crime.
5. Allows investigators to reconstruct a crime.

CSI Team

*First police officer on the scene
*Backup police and possibly a district attorney
*Photographer and/or Field Evidence Technician
*Lab experts

Seven S's

1. Secure the scene
2. Separate the witnesses
3. Scan the scene
4. See the scene
5. Sketch the scene
6. Search for evidence
7. Secure and collect evidence

Securing the scene:
The first responding police officer

________ must make sure
the scene is secure by first making sure all
individuals in the area are safe and second by
preserving evidence.

Securing the Scene

1. Obtain medical assistance if needed
2. ARREST suspects
3. ISOLATE the area
4. Request additional needs for investigations

Separating Witnesses

Witnesses must not be allowed to talk to one another. This prevents them from working together to create a story (collusion).

The Innocence

*Created in 1992, the goal was to reexamine post-conviction cases.
*When evaluating eyewitness testimony, the investigator must discriminate between fact and opinion. What did the witness actually see?

Scan the Scene

*Forensic examiners scan the scene to see where photos should be taken. The primary and secondary crime scenes must be determined.
-The primary crime scene is where a crime actually occurred.
-A secondary crime scene is in some way related to the crime but is not where the actual crime took place.

See the Scene

*A crime scene examiner looks at the scene. The Photography Unit takes photos of the overall area and close up photos with and without a measuring

Sketching the Scene

1. North should be labeled and a scale of distance should be included
2. All important objects (weapon and body) should be measured from two immovable landmarks
3. Any other objects in the vicinity of the crime should be included in the sketch (ex. Doors, windows, furniture, trees, vehicles, etc.)
4. Also include: Date, time, location, case number, and names (Sketched by and Verified by)

Grid Search

Quadrant/Zone Search

Linear Search


Spiral Search

Securing and Collecting the Evidence

*All evidence must be properly packaged, sealed and labeled using specific techniques and procedures.
*Packaging Evidence
-Metal or plastic forceps may have to be used to pick up small items.
-Plastic pill bottles with lids are preferred containers for hairs, glass, fibers, and other kinds of trace evidence.
-Liquids and arson remains are stored in airtight, unbreakable containers.

Druggist's Fold for Evidence

Most biological evidence is stored in breathable containers so the evidence can dry out, reducing the chances of mold contamination. After the evidence has air dried, it is packaged into a paper bindle (or druggist's fold) then placed in a paper or plastic container.

Evidence Log & Chain of Custody

Each person who comes in contact with a piece of evidence must use proper procedure and protocol in order to maintain responsible handling of evidence from crime scene to courtroom in order for the evidence to be admissible in court.

________ samples should also be taken from the victim
for purposes of ________ (blood, hair, etc.)

Control, exclusion

Standard/Reference Sample- Physical evidence whose origin is ____, such as blood or hair from a suspect, that can be compared to crime-scene evidence.


Analyze the Evidence

*A forensic lab processes all evidence the crime scene investigation team collected.
*Forensic lab technicians are specialized and process one type of evidence, unlike CSI TV shows where they may process many.

Crime Scene Reconstruction

____ ____ ________ allows the detectives to form a hypothesis of the sequence of events from before the crime was committed through its commission.

A warrantless search can be conducted...

*if there is immediate danger of the loss or destruction of evidence
*if there is probable cause � the search of a person and their immediate property in conjunction with a lawful arrest

______ ____ ____site of any subsequent crime. Can be multiple in number
Ex: Where the body was dumped

Secondary Crime Scene


Assess the crime scene and provide medical assistance.
Detain the witnesses
Arrest the perpetrator (if there)
Protect the crime scene (this is where the yellow tape comes in)
Take notes and photos

Walk Through

preliminary scene survey

Record the Scene

*To preserve the original state of the scene
*The original state will only be available for a limited amount of time
Tools: Photography, Sketches, Videography , and Notes


*Done without verbal commentary except for factual info such as date and time
*Should include both general and specific areas
*View of the crime scene from the victim's point of view


*Done immediately after videotaping
*Better to take too many than too few
*If an object has been moved it can not be returned to be photographed
**Crime Scene should be in UNALTERED condition

Evidence from the victim

The following should be collected:
*Victim's clothing
*Fingernail scrapings
*Hair samples
*Hand swabs (gunshot residue)
*Bullets from the body
*Vaginal and oral swabs (if appropriate)