Forensic Science Vocab chapter 2

Chain of custody

A list of all people who came into possession of an item of evidence

Crime-scene Investigation

to recognize, document, photograph, and collect evidence

trace evidence

Materials found on the crime scene

Locard's Principle of change

states that when a person comes into contact with and object or another person, a cross transfer of physical evidence can occur.

Direct evidence

first hand observation such as eyewitness accounts or video evidence.

Circumstantial evidence

is an indirect evidence that can be used to imply a fact but that does not prove it.

Class evidence

narrows an identity to a group of persons or things

Individual evidence

Narrows an identity to a single person or thing

First responder

A responding law enforcement that holds the responsibility of all the safety of the individuals

Primary crime scene

the location that a crime first or mainly appears

Secondary crime scene

The movement to a new location after a crime occurs


a mathematical method of calculating the objects from the location of other objects

Paper bindle

A package for biological evidence to be contained

Datum point

A permanent or fixed point of reference such as a corner of a building or a tree

Crime-Scene reconstruction

A hypothesis of the sequence of events before the crime was committed through commission