Chapter 16: Forensic Aspects of Fire and Explosion Investigation Key Terms


a chemical or mechanical action caused by combustion and accompanied by the creation of heat and he rapid expansion of gasses.

oxidizing agent

A substance that supplies oxygen to a chemical reaction


a very rapid oxidation reaction accompanied by the generation of a low-intensity pressure wave that can disrupt the surroundings.


An extremely rapid oxidation reaction accompanied by a violent disruptive effect and an intense, high-speed shock wave.

low explosive

An explosive with a velocity of detonation less than 1,000 meters per second.

black powder

Normally, a mixture of potassium nitrate, carbon, and sulfur in the ratio 75/15/10.

safety fuse

A cord containing a core of black powder; used to carry a ?ame at a uniform rate to an explosive charge.

smokeless powder (single-base)

An explosive consisting of nitrocellulose.

smokeless powder (double-base)

An explosive consisting of a mixture of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin.

high explosive

An explosive with a velocity of detonation greater than 1,000 meters per second.

primary explosive

A high explosive that is easily detonated by heat, shock, or friction

secondary explosive

A high explosive that is relatively insensitive to heat, shock, or friction.

detonating cord

A cord-like explosive containing a core of high-explosive material, usually PETN; also called primacord.

Gas-Air Mixtures

Another form of low explosive is created when a considerable quantity of natural gas escapes into a con?ned area and mixes with a sufficient amount of air.

TNT stands for


PETN stands for

pentaerythritol tetranitrate