exam 1 ZAYA

A patient with active tuberculosis can have which of the following clinical manifestations?

Fever, Dry cough, weight loss, night sweats

A primary health-care finds a client is suffering from symptoms such as jugular venous distention, ascites, hepatomegaly, and ankle or sacral edema. Which condition does the health-care provider interpret from this situation?

Pulmonary hypertension with left-side heart failure

A chest x-ray hyperinflation of the lungs, increase anterior-posterior chest wall dimensions, and flattened diaphragm. Which of the following condition does a nurse suspect?m

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Because diabetes mellitus can damage the autonomic nervous system, the nurse wants to explain some signs and symptoms that the patient may experience. Which should she include on her list for a patient with disrupted autonomic nervous system functioning?

Loss of sensation in the extremities

Match the hormone to the gland which products it.
PTH ----- Parathyroid gland
Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine ---- Thyroid gland
Aldosterone----- Adrenal cortex
Insulin----- Beta cells of the pancreas
Cortisol-----Adrenal cortex
Calcitonin----- Thyroid gla


A nurse is analyzing an arterial blood gas report of a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory acidosis. Which compensation mechanism likely to occur?

The kidneys will retain bicarbonate

The nurse is assessing her client who had a thyroidectomy several years ago. The client displays a positive Chvostek's sign. What electrolyte imbalance is the experiencing?


The nurse finds that the client is exhibiting wheezing, prolonged exhalations, and rhonchi. The client uses accessory muscles during breathing. As a treatment, the health-care provider prescribes bronchodilators and corticosteroids in the form of inhalers


The nurse is teaching the T1DM patient about potential complications. Which is NOT a complication of diabetes?


The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a male patient diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. What hormone is lacking in patients with diabetes insipidus?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

What is a major risk factor for the development chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD)?


A patient is hyperventilating due to anxiety. Respiratory alkalosis is present. The nurse models slower, deeper respirations. What will happen when the patient slows his or her breathing to match the nurse's example?

Increase in carbon dioxide to normal levels and a return pf pH to normal values

Which mechanism is the drive to breathe for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

Low levels of oxygen in the blood

A patient who underwent laryngotomy presented with depression, increased sensitivity to cold, and constipation. On assessment, the nurse finds a puffy face a periorbital edema. The blood report shows a high TSH level. What does the nurse interpret from th


The following image shows a man who experienced excess growth hormone (GH) in adulthood. Which term should the nurse use in the patient's file?


A female client had a subtotal thyroidectomy 8 hours earlier. The client demonstrated clinical presentation of nausea, a temperature of 105 F (40.5 C), tachycardia, and extreme restlessness. What is the most likely cause of these signs?

Thyroid crisis

A primary health-care provider finds a client complaining of chest pain, dyspnea, and an increased respiratory rate. On closer inspection, the chest expansion is found to be asymmetrical (uneven chest rise). On percussion, the primary health-care provider


A patient has suffered a pneumothorax. His parents wonders what this means. What terms may the nurse use to explain the condition that the parents may be familiar with?

A collapsed lung

Hemoglobin A1c provides information on glucose control by the patient. Which term frame is the test measuring?

2-3 months ago

A patient has been diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).

Restrict fluid intake

What condition can develop when a thrombus has traveled to the pulmonary arterial circulation and causes an obstruction of the arterial blood flow?

Pulmonary embolism

What condition exhibits "moon facies" as a characteristic symptoms?

Cushing's syndrome

The laboratory report of a patient with T2DM shows arterial blood pH of 7.40, blood glucose level of 750 mg/dL, and serum bicarbonate level of 22 mEq/L. Which condition does the nurse infer from these laboratory findings?

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome (HHS)

A patient has barrel chest, pursed-lip breathing, and thin body structure. what condition does the nurse suspect?


What of the following would indicate to a nurse that a patient has T1DM rather than T2Dm?

Ketones in the urine

Which of the following statements indicates further education of a patient is needed?

I have cervical dysplasia, so that means I have cancer

A patient has been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The patient wants to know what "hyperplasia" means. Which of the following statements by the nurse correctly explains hyperplasia to the patient?

Your prostate gland is increasing in size due to an increase in cell number

A nurse takes a patient's blood pressure while the patient is supine. The blood pressure is 112/72. When the patient stands, she complains of dizziness, her heart racing, and her blood pressure reading is 100/66. Which of the following explanations best d

b. Orthostatic hypotension

Which of the following actions may a nurse take to reduce the risk of decubitus ulcers? (Select all that apply.)

b. Maintain supine position for the patient
c. Check skin pressure points regularly
d. Have the patient use TED stockings

An elderly client is demonstrating lethargy, confusion, and a respiratory rate of 8 breaths per minute. The nurse notices that the last dose of pain medication was administered through a client-controlled analgesic (PCA) pump within the last 30 minutes. W

b. respiratory acidosis

A nurse is analyzing an arterial blood gas report of a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory acidosis. Which compensation mechanism is likely to occur?

b. The kidneys will retain bicarbonate

An 18-year-old client, with a normal BMI, admits to concerns regarding body image. The client displays increased symptoms of depression over the last 6 months. Additionally, the client reports a sore throat and has multiple teeth decay in the last 6 month


The client and medical record state that they are experiencing somatic pain. How would the nurse expect the client to describe their pain?

a. Pain occurs from ligaments tendons and bones

Which condition commonly found in immobile clients results in edema?

d. Venous stasis

Compared to extracellular fluid, intracellular fluid has higher concentrations because of which electrolyte?

d. Potassium

A 55-year-old hypervolemic client complains of headache, muscle weakness, nausea & vomiting and looks confused. Which condition does the nurse suspect the client developed?


An elementary school client was rushed to the hospital due to vomiting and a decreased level of consciousness. The patient displays slow and deep (Kussmaul breathing), and he is lethargic and irritable in response to stimulation. He appears to be dehydrat

d. metabolic acidosis

A nurse is working with a patient diagnosed with metabolic alkalosis. Which of the following values support this diagnosis?

b. pH of 7.2, bicarbonate of 46 mEq/L

A friend states that her daughter has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Which characteristics may you expect the daughter to display? (Select all that apply)

a. Cycles of binging and purging
e. A normal body mass index (BMI)

z A nursing instructor is reviewing electrolyte imbalances with her students. The following image appears on the classroom display. What is the correct response by the students?

b. "It is Chvostek's sign due to hypocalcemia.

A few days prior, a patient presented at the clinic stating he was generally not feeling "all that well." He now presents at the clinic with significant signs and symptoms of an infectious disease. Which stage of infection is the patient displaying presen

d. acute

A nurse is reviewing laboratory values. Which of the following would be indicative of a suppressed immune response in a patient?

c. Leukopenia

A nursing student examines a patient and notes the following: poor skin turgor, edema, oliguria, dry mucous membranes, and hypertension. Which signs and symptoms support the student's diagnosis of dehydration? Select all that apply.

b. poor skin tugor
c. dry mucous membranes
d. oliguria

A nurse reads on a patient's chart that a patient has suffered a sacral pressure ulcer, Stage II. What characteristics of the wound will the nurse expect to see?

b. skin loss in epidermal and presences of blister

A nurse sees on a patient's notes the presence of purulent exudate. Which of the following will the nurse expect to observe?

d. pus

M.L. suffers from significant hypertension and has been given a diuretic, which is not potassium-sparing. A clinician is counseling M.L. about the signs and symptoms of hypokalemia. Which should be included on the list? Select all that apply.

a. Leg cramps
c. Muscle fatigue
e. Anorexia

The BRCA1 gene has 85% penetrance for developing cancer. A female patient, age 24 years, is shown to be homozygous for BRCA1. Which of the following responses is accurate by the nurse?

d. "The presence of the BRCA1 gene indicates a higher probability of developing cancer.

A nurse is charged with educating patients about prenatal genetic testing and screening. Which of the following criteria should the nurse consider in deciding who needs to receive such education? Select all that apply.

a. Any time a woman has had a miscarriage. b. Abnormal ultrasound
c. Woman's age at pregnancy

A young child is rushed to the emergency department having ingested a large amount of bicarbonate. Which acid-base imbalance does the nurse expect to be present?

c. Metabolic alkalosis

The nurse is talking with a husband whose wife served in the military. His wife suffered a below- the-knee amputation. The husband states that his wife is constantly complaining of her amputated leg hurting. He is confused as to why the leg can hurt when

c. phantom pain

What condition can develop from a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) if it is not detected and treated early enough?

pulmonary embolism

A client presents to the emergency room with reports of severe back pain described as a ripping sensation. Further assessment reveals a different blood pressure in the right arm than in the left arm and pallor and tachycardia. Which condition should a nur

Dissection aortic aneurysm

What is the major mechanism whereby the kidneys influence systemic blood pressure?

Stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)

A patient with many risk factors for atherosclerosis is taking to a nurse. The nurse states that although atherosclerosis has many cause, the process of atherosclerosis is initiated with which of the following events?

Endothelial damage

Which clinical presentation (sign and symptoms) should a nurse assess for in a client who has peripheral artery disease (PAD)? Select all that apply

Coolness in the lower extremities
Absence of pulses in the lower extremities

What is a risk factor for hypertension?

Cigarette smoking

An older adult client has developed a new heart murmur. Which condition would likely be the cause of a new heart murmur?

Aortic valve stenosis

A patient's chart reveals that she has peripheral arterial disease. Which area of the body does the nurse most closely inspect, as this is the most common location for this disease?


A nurse is education a group of patients about the common long-term effects of hypertension. Which of the following should she include? Select all that apply.

enlargement of the heart
kidney damage
retinal damage

the nurse is reviewing the client's history for cardiovascular risk factors. Which risk factors can be modified to help decrease the client's risk for myocardial infarction?

smoking history -22 pack year history

Which of the following are laboratory evidence of heart failure? Select all that apply

increased BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)
decreased potassium levels
dilutional hyponatremia

A physician wants to further evaluate and assess the presentation of heart murmur heart with auscultation. Which diagnostic test is the likely best choice?


A 60 year old client who complains of swelling in the ancles and fingers, abdominal swelling, fullness of the stomach, and a weight gain of 2 lbs. or more per day os diagnosed with moderate heart failure. The nurse is concern that decreased cerebral perfu

Confusion, difficult concentrating and headache

A nurse is caring for a client who has an artificial heart valve and is scheduled for a dental procedure. Which precautionary measure should the client take prior to the dental procedure?

antibiotic therapy

A nurse is counseling a patient with several risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Which of the following are increasing the patient's risk for DVT? Select all that apply/

Oral contraceptive us

Which of the following is a clinical syndrome cause by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space, resulting in reduced ventricular filling and subsequent hemodynamic compromise?

cardiac tamponade

Which blood test is reliable and early indication of cardiac damage, indicative of an acute myocardial infarction?

Troponin I

The nurse is obtaining the client's blood pressure reading. Which reading would the nurse record as pre-hypertensive?


A nurse hears a heart murmur on a male patient. When she asks about his health history as a young child, he repots a severe streptococcal infection. Because he was living abroad at the time, he did not immediately receive antibiotics. What does the nurse

Rheumatic heart disease

What is considered the preload of the heart?

Venous return to the heart

A 65 year old female client presents with complaints of crushing pain on the left side of the chest. After examining the client, it is found that the client has an unstable angina. Which treatment is given to reduce the pain for this client?

Administering nitroglycerin

A nurse hears a bruit with the bell of stethoscope while assessing the carotid artery of a client. What could be the reason behind the bruit?

Turbulent blood flow in the artery

The client is experiencing right-sided congestive heart failure. Which is the most frequent cause of right sided failure?

pulmonary hypertention

A nurse is told that a patient she is treating has cachexia. Which of the following will the nurse expect?

A patient with a decrease lean body mass and body fat

A nurse is working with a patient diagnosed with metabolic alkalosis. Which of the following values support this diagnosis?

pH of 7.6, bicarbonate of 48 mEq/L

A male 50 year old client recent blood work reveals the incidental finding of iron deficiency anemia. Which test should next be considered?

fecal-occult blood test

Which of the following may increase the risk of endothelial damage?

Diabetes mellitus
Increase in angiotensin II

Brain is to undergo major abdominal surgery. As the nurse, you are worried because Brain has a tumor of the adrenal cortex, which reduces his ability to respond to stress. Which hormones are directly affected by Brian's tumor.


A client presents to the emergency room with reports of severe back pain described as a ripping sensation. Further assessment reveals a different blood pressure in the right arm than in the left arm and pallor and tachycardia. Which condition should a nur

Dissection aortic aneurysm

A nurse is working with a woman suffering from fatigue. Which findings support the nurse's conclusion the client is suffering from iron-deficiency anemia? Select all that apply.

Hypo chromic cells
Decreased hematocrit
Decreased hemoglobin

Which of the following actions may a nurse take reduce the risk of decubitus ulcers? Select all that apply

Check skin pressure point regularly
Seat the patient in a chair whenever possible
Have the patient use TED stocking

A nurse notices on a patient's chart that she has a deficiency in von Willebrand factor. Which of the following may the nurse expect the patient to display? Select all that apply.

Increase bruising
Decreased activited partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
Increased menstrual blood loss

An older adult client has developed a new heart murmur. Which condition would likely be the cause of a new heart murmur?

Aortic valve stenosis

Decreased pulmonary artery blood flow-forward
Peripheral edema-back
Anorexia, nausea, indigestion-back
Organomegaly, including swelling of the liver and spleen-back
Hypoxemia, with possible hypoxia and cyanosis-forward
Jugular venous distenti


Which of the following are laboratory evidence of heart failure? select all apply

Increased BNP
Dilution hypernatremia
Decreased potassium levels

An increased number of immature neutrophils (bands) demonstrates which of the following conditions

Acute inflammation or infection with a shift-to-the-left

A nurse is reviewing laboratory valvues. Which of the following would be indicative of a suppressed immune response in a patient?


the client has been experiencing frequent melena stool and abdominal pain.

Peptic Ulcer

Which of the following definitions best describes diverticulosis?

An inflamed outpouching of the intestine

A patient is taking a nephrotoxic drug. Which type of renal dysfunction is the nurse most likely concerned about development?
