diagnostics in GI system


complete blood count
--helps diagnose anemia, infections (low H&H is a safety risk)


a GI bleed is the most common cause of _____________ in adults
a GI bleed in a male could mean colorectal cancer..

prothrombin time

is a good indicator that the liver isn't functioning
--measures the rate at which prothrombin is converted to thrombin
--process depends on vit K---associated clotting factors


severe or acute ____________dz leads to elevated prothrombin time--> bad coag!!!
safety risk....bleeding risk!!!


absorbed in the GI tract
may detect malabsorption


low sodium levels can cause confusion and _______________


vomitting & diarrhea may cause depletion of sodium & ________________


what are the 2 common liver function tests?


ammonia levels up == liver ______________--> coma


is normally used to rebuild amino acids or is converted to urea for excretion


elevations of what two lab levels is indicative of pancreatitis?


amylase & lipase are not elevated in the presence of extensive pancreatic _______________ d/t destruction of the pancreatic cells

CA 19-9

cancer marker for pancreas & other cancers but not 100% specific


cancer marker ---somewhere in the body (breast)...can be used to dx cancer, just not the type of cancer
can also be used to stage
if test levels decrease...cancer is going away


what are 2 urine lab tests used in GI?

fecal occult blood

looking for hidden blood in the stool
NSAIDs can cause a false-postive fecal occult blood test, NEED TO BE OFF OF IT FOR A WEEK TO 10 DAYS
should not be performed when there is hemorrhoidal bleeding

hemoccult II

traditional stool test
--hold coumadin, NSAIDs X 7 days prior
--hold red meats, raw fruits, veggies, vit c rich foods X 72hrs (hold horseradish too--robyn)

FIT (fecal immunochemical test)

more expensive stool test
drugs and food do not influence testing

ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)

of the common bile duct and pancreatic ducts
removal of gallstones
--allows placement of
--allows for


care--> post ERCP:
--ensure that the patient's ________reflex has returned before giving foods, fluids
--monitor for complications at home
--perforation (rigid, _______________ abdomen that is tender)

EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)

allows visualization of the esophagus, gastric and duodenal mucosa through a lighted endoscope.
--can collect secretions & tissue samples and allows pictures to be taken
*NPO X 8hrs prior
*Requires sedation (versed)
*monitor O2
*mouth guard to prevent biting scope
*left lateral position--best view
*atropine for secretions if needed


seven photos per second and transmits to a wireless storage device.
--only for the esophagus and can become lodged rather than pass and have to be removed surgically or endoscopically
*visualize entire bowel
*improve evaluation of small bowel
*8 lead sensors applied, held in place with abdominal binder
*test lasts 8hrs
*NPO except water for 8-10 hrs prior
*can eat after 4 hrs


*gold standard for colorectal cancer screening and surveillance & monitoring of pts with previous colon cancer/polyps
*allows for tissue biopsies & removal of polyps
*pt to lay on left side with knees to chest
*eval of pts with diarrhea of unknown origin, occult bleeding/anemia, other bowel dz
*only useful if pt is sedated
*can not be done if suspected perforation (broad like abd), severe diverticulitis or fulminant colitis
*pts with prosthetic heart valves--> prophylactic abx

flexible sigmoidoscopy

examination using a fiberoptic endoscope to visualize the sigmoid colon (about 16-20 inches from the anus)
*no sedation required
*low residue diet 1-2 days prior
*clear liquid diet & laxative day before
*NPO after midnight
*cleansing enema the morning of
*left side with right leg bent
*no recovery time

gastric analysis

measures hydrochloric acid and pepsin content for eval of aggressive gastric and duodenal disorders

basal gastric secretion
gastric acid stimulation

what are the 2 types of gastric analysis?

basal gastric secretion

*NPO X 12 hrs including--> alcohol, tobacco, drugs that affect gastric secretion (PPI...etc)
*NG tube is inserted and gastric contents are aspirated Q 15mins X 1hr

gastric acid stimulation test

*NG left in place
*drug is given to stimulate gastric secretion
*contents are aspirated Q 15 min X 1hr
*depressed levels suggest--> gastric cancer
*increased levels suggest--> zollinger-ellison and duodenal ulcers