NURS3312: Exam 1

What are the 6 components of the infection cycle?

1. Pathogen
2. Reservoir or Source
3. Exit portal
4. Route of Transmission
5. Entry portal
6. Susceptible host

Which of the following is the most significant and commonly found infection-causing agent in health-care institutions?


What is the smallest of all organisms?


Name the 4 factors affecting an organism's potential to produce disease.

1. Number of organisms
2. Virulence
3. Competence of person's immune system
4. Length and intimacy of contact between a person and microorganism

During which stage of infection is the patient most contagious?

Prodromal Stage

Name the factors affecting host susceptibility:

-intact skin and mucous membranes
-normal pH levels
-Body's white blood cells
-Age, sex, race and hereditary factors
-Immunizations (natural or acquired)
-Fatigue, climate, nutritional & health status
-Use of invasive or indwelling medical devices

What are the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation?


What are 5 moments for hand hygiene?

1. Before touching a patient
2. Before clean or aseptic procedure
3. After body fluid exposure
4. After touching a patient
5. After touching patient's surroundings

What is the most common nosocomial infection?

Urinary Tract Infection
Cause: Catherizations

(T/F): Soaps and detergents are considered adequate for routine mechanical cleansing of the hands and removal of most transient microorganisms.


Define and give an example of medical asepsis:

Clean technique; handwashing

Define and give an example of surgical asepsis:

Sterile technique; operating room

What are 8 factors to consider when examining a patient's skin?

Cleanliness, color, temperature, turgor, moisture, sensation, vascularity and evidence of lesions

If a patient is on an anticoagulant, what type of razor should be used?

Electric shaver

What are some reasons for providing a back massage?


Which gum disease manifests as a marked inflammation of the gums that also involves degeneration of the dental tissues and bone?


Which oral problem involves an ulceration of the lips usually caused by vitamin B complex deficiencies?


Define stomatitis:

inflammation of oral mucosa

What is the proper way of washing a patient's eyes?

From inner to outer canthus.

(T/F): Pediculosis (lice) can be spread directly by contact with the infested areas or indirectly through contact with clothing, bed linens, brushes or combs:


(T/F): Monthly douching is recommended to control odor in the perineal area:


Ways to ensure bedside safety:


What does the kidneys and ureters do?

Maintain composition and volume of body fluids, filter and excrete blood constitutes not needed and retain those that are needed, and excrete waste products.


Serves as reservoir for urine


Conveys urine from bladder to exterior

Steps to emptying the bladder:

1. Detrusor muscle contracts
2. Internal sphincter relaxes and urine enters posterior urethra
3. Muscles or perineum and external sphincter relax
4. Muscles of abdominal wall contract slightly
5. Diaphragm lowers and micturition occurs

Which term describes a condition in which 24-hour urine output is less than 50mL?


(T/F): Diuretics causes increased urine production, resulting in the need for increased urination and possibly urge incontinence.


What are cholinergic medications?

Medications that stimulate contraction of detrusor muscle, producing urination

What color would your urine be if you are taking:


(T/F): Normal fresh urine has ammonia smell.

False; normal fresh urine has aromatic odor while urine with bacteria action has ammonia odor

(T/F): A urine specimen from a patient with an indwelling catheter should be obtained from the collection receptacle.

False; specimen should be obtained from catheter itself.

What is the difference between an intermittent (straight) catheter and a indwelling (foley) catheter?

Straight: used to drain the bladder for a period of time
Foley: used when catheter is to remain in place for continuous drainage

(T/F): There are no interventions effective for preventing urinary incontinence:




Which food is recommended for an older adult who is constipated?

Fruit, vegetables, bran

(T/F): When collecting stool, using the technique "timed specimen" the nurse should consider the first stool passed by the patient as the start of the collection period.


What direct visualization test uses a long, flexible, fibrotic-lighted scope to visualize the rectum, colon and distal small bowel?


What does an esophagogastroduodenoscopy examine?

esophagus, stomach and upper duodenum using an optic scope

What does a sigmoidoscopy examine?

distal sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal through a flexible or rigid sigmoidoscope

oil retention enemas:

lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa, easing defacation

carminative enemas:

help expel flatus from the rectum

Medicated enemas:

provide medications absorbed through the rectal mucosa

anthelmintic enemas:

destroy intestinal parasites

(T/F): An older technique of auscultation of air injected into a NG tube has proved a reliable indicator of tube placement.



a surgically formed opening from the inside of an organ to the outside


the part of the ostomy that is attached to the skin, is formed by suturing the mucosa to the skin


allows liquid fecal content from the ileum of the small intestine to be eliminated through the stoma

Whats a normal white blood cell count?

5000 to 10000 mm3

What are the stages of infection?

incubation period, prodromal phase, invasive period, decline phase, convalescence period

What are the MAIN functions of the kidneys and ureters?

FILTER and EXCRETE blood constituents not needed; RETAIN those that are needed

What do nephrons do in urine?

Nephrons remove the end products of metabolism and regulate fluid balance.

Whats another term for urination?


Define anuria

synonymous with kidney shutdown or renal failure

define dysuria

painful or difficult urination

define glycosuria

presence of sugar in the urine


pus in the urine

Developmental considerations for children with elimination

recognizing bladder fullness & communicate the need to void

Developmental considerations for older people with elimination

fewer nephrons, Loss of muscle tone of the bladder>>reduce the capacity of the bladder to hold urine, insufficient emptying of the bladder, diminished ability to concentrate urine

How can Lasix effect urination

It is a type of diuretic, so it can increase urintation... meaning it should be given during the day, instead of before bed

what physical aspects of urine should you assess

color, odor, clarity, and sediment

what should you document about the use of a bedside commode

the patient's tolerance and Unusual urine or stool characteristics

how long are intermittent or straight catheters used for

5 to 10 minutes

whats expected after removing an indwelling catheter

Patient voids a minimum of 250 mL of urine within 6 to 8 hours of catheter removal... and skin will remain clean, dry, and intact

Urinary function as the problem would be...

Incontinence-Pattern alteration-Urinary retention

Urinary function as the etiology would be...

Anxiety-Caregiver role strain-Risk for infection

functional urinary incontinence is...

caused by factors outside the urinary tract

stress urinary incontinence is...

caused by increased abdominal pressure, e.g., sneezing or coughing�

treatment for preventing urinary incontinence

Behavioral-Kegel exercise or bladder training, Pharmacological, Mechanical-device or surgery

whats the bodys first line of defense

healthy skin

whats turgor

when you pinch the skin and it stays up, the turgor is low

what are important bathing needs for patients with dementia

comfort, safety, privacy, warmth, face and hair last

what is one of the most important and most overlooked part of basic nursing care?

oral hygiene

whats a Complication of diarrhea

dehydration... ex. low turgor and dark urine

prevention to constipation

liquids, fiber, exercise

What system deals with peristalsis

the nervous system

bowel elimination variable

food and fluid, activity, lifestyle, psychological factors such as nursing home

Why is fecal occult blood test preferred

its not invasive unlike a colonoscopy

who is at high risk for constipation

patients on bed rest, constipation meds, reduced fluids or bulk

when should you answer a call bell


Purpose of nasogastric tubes

decompress/drain stomach fluids, allows gastrointestinal tract to rest, and monitors gastrointestinal bleeding

who is Florence Nightingale

she challenged prejudices against women and elevated the status of all nurses

who founded the American red cross

Clara barton

who is Dorothea dix

she established the nurse core in the army even though she was not a nurse

who is Lillian wald

founder of public health nursing

what are a nurses aims

to promote and restore health, prevent illness, and help in coping with death