M-Q2-Ch 47-KT-Collecting, Processing, and Testing Urine and Stool Specimens


the absence of urine production


cylinder shaped elements with flat or rounded ends, differing in composition and size, that form when protein from the breakdown of cells accumulates and precipitates in the kidney tubules and is washed into the urine


the procedure during which a catheter is inserted into a vessel, an organ, or a body cavity

Clean-catch mid-stream urine specimen

requires special cleansing of the external genitalia to avoid contamination by organisms residing near the external opening of the urethra and is used to ID the number and types of pathogens present in urine; also referred to as midvoid


naturally produced solid of definite form; commonly seen in urine specimens, especially those permitted to cool

Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)

a test to find hidden blood in the stool

First morning urine specimen

a urine specimen that is collected after a night's sleep; contains a greater concentration of substances that collect over time than specimens taken during the day


the presence of significant levels of glucose in the urine


the presence of blood in the urine

O&P specimen

an ova and parasites specimen/stool sample that is examined for the presence of certain forms as protozoans/parasites, including their eggs


insufficient production/volume of urine


an excess of protein in the urine


an optical instrument that measures the refraction/bending of light as it passes through a liquid


the liquid portion of a substance from which solids have settled to the bottom, as with a urine specimen after centrifugation

24-hour urine specimen

collected over a 24-hour period and used to complete a quantitative and qualitative analysis of one or more substances, such as sodium, chloride, and calcium


the physical, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of urine to obtain info about body health and disease

Urinary pH

a measure of the degree of acidity/alkalinity of urine

Urine culture

a lab test in which urine is placed on a growth medium and bacteria are allowed to grow for 24-48hrs. Any large growths of bacteria are then identified

Urine specific gravity

a measure of the concentration or amount (total weight) of substances dissolved in urine


a colorless compound formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin in the intestines

Timed urine specimen

measures urinary output and analyzes substances

Residual urine

more than 50 mL is abnormal

Drainage catheters

withdraw fluids

Indwelling urethral (Foley) catheter

drains bladder

Retention catheter

drains renal pelvis

Ureteral catheter

wound drainage (cystostomy tube)

Straight catheter

collect specimens or instills meds

Splinting catheter

remains inserted after surgery

Protein normal value

negative to trace

Specific gravity
