Marine birds test review

Classification of marine birds

Domain: eukarya, Kingdom: animala, phylum: chordata, class: aves

4 categories of birds

Common shore birds, diving shore birds, diving pelagic birds, penguins

Common shorebirds

Search in shallow water and sand for food, examples: sandpiper, ostercatcher, sea duck, seagull

Diving pelagic birds

Spend most of their life at sea and migrate tens of thousands of miles ach year chasing fish, examples: auks, puffins, shearwaters, wandering albatross

Diving shorebirds

Birds that live near the shore but get their vitals from the sea, examples: cormorant, pelican, osprey, black skimmer


No flight feather but excellent swimmers, eat fish, krill, squid, and shellfish, examples: chinstrap, emperor, rockhopper

Characteristics of all marine birds

Endothermic, feathers attached to skin, calcium rich eggs tended by parents

Thermoregulation of birds v reptiles

Birds are endothermic while reptiles are ectothermic

Down feathers

To preserve heat

Adapted features of marine birds

Webbed feet, salt glands, oils on feathers to resist water, four chambered heart

Where are salt glands located

Under the nostrils

What do marine birds excrete to conserve water

Have concentrated uric acid (urine)

What do birds do when they preen

They spread oils, grooming

What is an adaptive feature of oystercatchers

Knife like beak

How does oystercatcher gets its prey out of its shell

They smash it open

What is the name of the area of the ocean where blue herrings are found?


What kind of beak do sandpipers have to help them find food in the sand?

Narrow and pointed beak

Which pelagic birds are divers and which are scoopers?

Divers: cormorant, osprey, snake bird
Scoopers: pelican, black skimmer

Adaptations of penguins

Layers of fat to stay warm, no hollow bones or flight feathers but good for swimming

How do penguins stay warm

Layers of fat

What advantage do birds with long legs have?

They can walk swiftly into the water

A type of diving shore bird


Feathers for flight


A type of diving pelagic bird


A type of diving pelagic bird


Only birds without hollow bones


Common shore bird


The biggest penguin


Have a waterproofing oil on them to repel water when they swim


Has long beak for getting food

Common shorebird

Type of penguin with "strap" on face


Where salt glands are located in birds




Class (classification) of birds


What are three different feeding methods?

Foraging, quick dives, and long hives

What adaptations do sea snakes have for life in the ocean?

The flatter body and paddle like tail help the sea snake swim more efficiently. They have salt glands, they have special flap of tissue that's covers the nostrils.

How does the marine iguana regulate its body temperature?

When their bodies get too cold from the water, the iguanas return to the land, where they warm themselves in the sun by lying across the heated lava boulders.

In what parts of the world can penguins be found?

Southern Hemisphere



Food web

Important link in Antarctic food web


4 chambered heart

How are their forelimbs developed?

They're developed into wings