Literary Criticism~Reader-oriented criticism

Rhetorical Criticism

Critics who emphasize audience response

Autotelic artifact

a text exists in its own right as an autonomous object that can be analyzed


I.A. Richards thought humans were bundles of desires

Principles of Literary Criticism

BY I.A. Richards

I.A. Richards

T.S. Eliot's contemporary, proponent of both New Criticism and Reader-oriented Criticism

Louis Rosenblatt

1930's author, professor, smart lady who asserts the text and the reader must work together to create meaning

Transactional experience

The text acts as a stimulus for eliciting various past experiences

Aesthetic transaction

Poem is defined as a result of this experience during the reading process

Efferent reading

Reading to "carry away" knowledge

Aesthetic reading

Read for the experience of the text itself

Literary Experience

An event that occurs when a reader and print transact


Reader + text


Looks for specific codes within a text that allow meaning to occur

Gerald Prince

Father of Structuralism


The process of analyzing a story using the elements involved in its telling


The person to whom the narrator is speaking

Real reader

The person actually reading the book

Virtual reader

The reader to whom the author believes he or she is writing

Ideal reader

The one who explicitly and implicitly understands all the nuances, terminology, and structure of a text


The overall system of meaning a given society has developed


A modern philosophical tendency that emphasizes the perceiver. Objects exist only if we register them in our concsiousness

Hans Robert Jauss

German Critic: a text's social history must be considered

Horizon of expectations

Includes all of a historical period's critical vocabulary and assessment of a text

Reception Theory

Readers from any given period will come up with criteria with which to analyze a text

Wolfgang Iser

German phenomenologist

Implied Reader

Wolfgang Iser--perfect reader

Actual Reader

Wolfgang Iser--person who picks up the text

Norman Holland

Subjective Criticism

Identity theme

Norman Holland-The lens through which we see the world

David Bleich

Founder of subjective criticism

Collective meaning

David Bleich--interpretation, how a group takes a text

3 different schools of thought

Structuralism, Phenomenology, Subjective Criticism

Interpretive community

Stanley Fish: group of readers who share the same interpretive strategies

Affective Stylistics

Stanley Fish

Reception Aesthetics

Stanley Fish

Collective meaning

David Bleich

interpretive community

Stanley Fish

efferent reading

reading to take away

aesthetic reading

reading to absorb