Anatomy quiz


What is a sea lamprey larvae called?

12-20 inches

If the chemical hadn't been squirted into the water, how big would the sea lamprey have grown?

40 pounds

On average, how many pounds of trout, salmon, or whitefish does each sea lamprey kill in its life?

Chemical lampricide

What do the scientists use to treat the sea lamprey in the Great Lakes?

They have to sample the water to make sure the lampricide hasn't become too diluted to be effective.

During treatment, what do scientists have to check?

Jawless fishes

Sea lamprey are the only modern survivors of an ancient family of ______________.

Petromyzon marinus

Another name for sea lamprey is ?

A downward slanting mouth at the end of its eel-like body. The large, tooth-lined sucking disc enables the lamprey to strike and hold fast to a fish.

What is the lampreys most striking feature?

Anticoagulant, lamphredin

After its tongue rasps a hole in the side of its victim, the lamprey secrets an ____________________, called _______________.

Keeps the blood from clotting and the wound open, enabling the lamprey to feed at leisure on body and other body tissues.

What is the purpose of lamphredin?

Hours, days, weeks, or until the victim dies

How long can a sea lamprey remain attached to its prey?

Normally in salt water and migrates to freshwater stream to spawn.

As an ocean fish, where does the sea lamprey live?

Only once, then they die

How many times does the sea lamprey spawn?

The animals sex glands grow large, it's digestive tract shrinks, it stops feeding, and it's muscles, eyes, and skin deteriorate

During the winter, what happens to the sea lamprey?

40 degrees Fahrenheit

What temperature does the sea lamprey begin its spawning upstream?

Where shallow water riffles over a sand and gravel bottom

The spawning usually occurs where?

Their curvy bodies create violent movements that create a hollow in the sand.
With their sucking mouths, they pick up small rocks and pebbles and lay them in a crescent shaped mound, cupping the downstream edge of their nest.

How do the male and female build their nest to spawn in?


When the stream reaches ____ degrees F, spawning is in full effect for 1-3 days.

Female: few hours
Male: a day or 2 later

How long does it take for the fish to die after spawning?


The dying parents leave behind an average of _________ eggs, which drift across the nest and lodge securely among the stones at the nests rim.

Fewer than 1000

How many eggs actually survive long enough to hatch 10 days later?

1/8 inch

After another 10 days, hundreds of needle thin larvae, each about _______ long, wriggle out of their sand and gravel cribs and float off to quiet pools.


Once the larvae

(TFM) 3-trifluoromethyl 4-nitrophenol

What is the chemical called to kill lamprey larvae?


Today, about how much lake trout die each year in Lake Superior because of the sea lamprey?