Chapter 9-Give Me Liberty

market revolution

Occurred in the United States in the 1st half of the 19th century (1800s). Known for its series of innovations in transportation and communication. Also, farming changed. South would be barley affected by this.


Toll road, authorized by congress, aimed to make transportation quicker.

National Road

Authorized by congress in 1806, stretched from Cumberland Maryland to the Old Northwest.

Robert Fulton/Clermont

Pennsylvania born artist and engineer, made Steamboats. Hist boat navigated in the Hudson from NYC to Albany, proving that steam boats were a viable technique. Upsteram commerce was possible

Erie Canal

Completed in 1825, was a 363 mile long canal across New York, allowed for goods to go from the great lakes to NYC. Attracted many farmers. Construction of canal was overseen by Dewitt Clinton. Many states would try and follow its success in building canal

Dewitt Clinton

Governor of New York, oversaw construction of Erie Canal

Illinois and Michigan Canal

Canal that connected the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River & the Gulf of Mexico. Started in Chicago. Would lead to Chicago being a major city.

S.F.B. Morse/telegraph

Made communication easier and quicker, sent morse code over electronic letters. Within 16 years 50k miles of telegraph wire was strong.

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

Treaty in which the US purchased Florida from Spain because it had rebelled.

Cotton Kingdom

Areas in the south where cotton farming developed because of the high demand for cotton. Cotton Gin helped make Cotton effective.

Eli Whitney/cotton gin

Graduate of Yale who invented a machine that consisted of rollers and brushers and would separate the seed from the cotton, making large scale cotton farming easy. 40 times more effective than without said machine.

commercial farming

With Eli Whitney's invention of the Cotton Gin, farming on a large scale became much easier, this allowed for many farmers to build massive farms..

John Deere/steel plow

Invented in 1837, and mass produced in the 1850s, the rapid subring of western parries was made possible. Plants and crops could be plowed and planted much easier.

Cyrus McCormick/reaper

Invented in 1831, was a Horse drawn machine that would increase the amount of wheat a farmer could harvest. Tens of thousands were in use, lead to the output of Wheat tripling from 1840-1860. One machine could do the work of 400 people.

Samuel Slater

An immigrant from England, would establish the first factory in America in 1790 in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Since exporting machine plans from Britain was not allowed, so he had to make a machine from memory. That machine was the spinning Jenny.

Boston Associates/Waltham

First large scale American Factory that used power looms to weave cotton cloth. Established in 1814, created an entire town dedicated to a factory.

Lowell (Massachusetts)

Town in Massachusetts where over 52 mills employed approximately 10,000 workers. This contributed to Massachussets being the 2nd most industrialized region of the entire world!

factory system

A method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building. This allowed for factories to mass produce items.

Eli Terry/American System of Manufactures

System that relied on mass production of interchangeable parts. First used in the manufacturing of clocks by a Connecticut craftsmen and in small arms production.This would lead to many towns to having mechinacl skills

mill girls

Early New England factories relied on female and child labor. Young women who were unmarried, would come from Yankee farm families and do jobs such as tending to the spinning machines. They convinced their parents to let their daughters leave the farms an

Cunard Line

Shipping company that would send people from Britain to Boston and NYC for cheap prices during the 1840s. This led to a mass increase of people coming over to the US from Europe.

Great Famine (1845-51)

Took place In Ireland, was a famine that led to many people dying. A blight destroyed the very important potato crop, which much of the diet relied on. Over 1 million people perished from starvation, and this led to many people coming over to the United S

German Triangle

Cities of Cincinnati, St Louis, and Milwauke, they would attract a very large German population, which led to a german culture in these cities.

Archbishop John Hughes

During the 1840s and 1850s, he made the church of Catholic a more assertive institution, by encouraging parents of Catholic Youth to send their kidlets to parochial schools, and even wanted the government to pay for them! He tried to convert those from Pr


Idea that favored native born people vs those of immigrants. They thought that immigrants were to blame for the rise of crime, and political corruption.

Democratic Party machine

Brought the Irish into the Urban Political Machines


Form of business organization that became very important in economic growth. Would enjoy privileges and powers from a new charter from the government, additionally it said that investors are NOT responsible for the companies debt.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Led by John Marshall would define comported charters as contracts that future lawmakers absolutely could not change.

Gibbons v. Ogden

Five years after Dartmouth College v. Woodward, would strike down a monopoly that had been granted for steamboats.

Roger B. Taney

In 1837, he said that the Massachusetts legislature could not infringe an existing companies charter that had built a bridge over the Charles river