10. Discuss threats to validity in research conducted in the hospitality industry. Discuss how these can be minimized through research design.

Four major types of validity:

Construct, external, statistical, and internal


how well the variables in the study are measured or manipulated. The extent to which the operational variables used in the study are a good approximation of the conceptual variables


the extent to which the results of a study generalize to some larger population(ex: whether the results from a sample of children apply to all US children), as well as the other times or situations(ex: whether the results based on one type of music applie


addresses the strength of an effect and its statistical significance (probability that the result could have been obtained by chance if there really is no effect). Also addresses the extent to which the study minimizes the probabilities of two errors(of f


In a relationship between variable (A) and another (B), the extent to which A, rather than some other variable (C) is responsible for the effect on (B)

Outliers can

give a line some pull in a different direction contributing to lack of stability

Threats to internal validity: history

History: unique experiences subjects have between measurements in an experiment

Threats to internal validity: maturation

Maturation: natural(not experimenter imposed) changes that occur as result of time passing

Threats to internal validity: testing

Testing: subject pretests to establish subject equivalency can contaminate test performance

Threats to internal validity: instrumentation

Instrumentation: changing the measurement methods/administration affects what is measured

Threats to internal validity: statistical regression

Statistical Regression: when subjects are selected because they scored high or low, they will almost always produce a different distribution of scores closer to the population's at retest

Threats to internal validity: selection

Selection: subjects in comparison are not functionally equivalent at the beginning of the study

Threats to internal validity: experimental mortality

Experimental Mortality: subjects drop out of studies

Threats to internal validity: selection interactions

Selection Interactions: in some studies the selection method interacts with

Type I Error

conclude there is an association when there is not

Type II Error

conclude there is no association when there is


consistency or stability in measurement over time

Measurement Error

Measures typically have some amount of measurement error but strive to keep it small

Research Error

error introduced in the process of collecting data, human error, greater number of data collectors the more error is likely

Individual Differences

have the effect of spreading out the scores of people within each group

Situation Noise

external distractions of any kind, can add unsystematic variability

Inter-rater or inter-observer reliability:

two observers with exact same script to take measurements