Geology Final Exam

A rocks texture refers to

The size shape and arrangement of the mineral components

The most important factor in determining ingenious rock texture is

The rate of cooling of the Magma

Bowens reaction series shows

When minerals crystallize first as a magma cools from liquid to a solid

Magma with high viscosity

Have a high resistance to flow

A dike forms when

Lava cools on its way to the surface in a large vertical crack in the host rock

The viscosity of magma increases with

Increase amounts of silica

Which of the following is the most felsic rock


A phaneritic texture is mostlikelyto develop in

Plutonic rock

A porphyritie texture is created

when magma is erupted after spending time slowly cooling in a magma chamber

A ______ texture represents a single, long period of cooling and crystallization


Pahoehoe flows are found closer to the vent because

the lava is hottest near the vent

Explosive eruptions are more likely when

temperature is intermediate and gas content is high

Shield cones form from

mafic lava because it is very fluid and spreads into thin sheets

Partial melting is a process that

allows some minerals to melt before others

The presence of water in a rock will

decrease the melting point

Rhyolite is an uncommon rock because

felsic magmas have a high viscosity and crystallize before they reach the surface

Gabbro has larger crystals than basalt because

the magma cooled more slowly

A magma produced from partial melting will be

more felsic than the source rock because refractory minerals are left behind

A composite cone is made of

alternating layers of pyroclastic material and lava flows

Lava domes are created from

felsic lava

Flank eruptions are associated with

shield volcanoes erupting fluid magma

Which one of the following types of weathering will change the chemical composition of a rock


Frost wedging would be most effective in

mid-latitude regions where temperatures hover around 0�C (32�F) during certain seasons

When granite decomposes, K-feldspar is chemically weathered to form


A well-sorted sediment is one in which

all of the grains are the same size

Chemical sedimentary rocks are classified based on

mineral composition

The weathering reaction dissolution

leaves no solid products behind

K-feldspar is easily destroyed through


Hydrolysis is most effective on

granite because it contains a large amount of feldspars

Which of the following minerals is most susceptible to the weathering process of oxidation?


You can differentiate between arkose and quartz sandstone based on

the sorting of the sediment in the rock

Conglomerate and breccia contain

gravel size grains

Rock Salt and Rock Gypsum form through the process of


When layers of sediment are deposited by a moving current of wind or water

they form cross-beds

Clay minerals formed from granite bedrock illustrate which kind of weathering


Which kind of sandstone contains abundant K-feldspar, suggesting that the sand was derived by weathering and erosion of granitic bedrock and was not transported far


Flint, chert, and jasper are microcrystalline forms of ____

quartz (SiO2)

Which sedimentary rock would you expect to form from an ancient lake bed?


What is special about the environment in which plant matter accumulates to eventually form coal?

It is oxygen deficient

If a magma has a high temperature and a low silica content, it's viscosity will be


What is the approximate minimum depth and temperature required for metamorphism?

10 kilometers, 200�C

Foliation occurs as a result of

pressure that breaks some of the bonds between mineral ions and causes the unbonded ions to migrate and recrystallize in areas of lower pressure

Gneiss can be distinguished from other metamorphic rocks by

its dark and light mineral bands

The type of metamorphism that occurs when rocks are caught between two converging plates in a collision zone is

regional metamorphism

Which of the following best describes the conditions of contact (thermal) metamorphism

Pressure is confining only, the rock is in the upper part of the crust and heat is supplied from a nearby magma body

A shale is metamorphosed into schist. This means it was metamorphosed through

regional metamorphism

If a horizontal layer of solidified lava lies between two horizontal sedimentary strata, the principle by which the relative ages of each of these layers could be determined is

the principle of superposition

According to the Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships, if a dike is found cutting across sedimentary layers, the reasonable conclusion would be that

the dike is younger than the layers

The half-life of a radioactive isotope is

the time required for half the parent isotope to decay

The general term unconformity refers to

an erosion surface between two layers of rock where rock layers are missing

According to the principle of inclusions, if a rock is found embedded within an igneous pluton, the reasonable conclusion would be that

the rock is older than the pluton

Rocks in which ductile deformation occurs

remain in their deformed shape when the stress is released

brittle strain

is when a rock breaks

a fold in a rock

indicates that the rock layers experienced ductile strain

Compressional stress causes


Normal faults are commonly found near

divergent plate boundaries

In an anticline, the limbs of the fold dip

away from each other

The type of fault most commonly found in transform plate boundaries is a

strike-slip fault

A normal fault occurs as a result of

tensional stress, and the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall

A graben is characterized by

a hanging wall block that has moved down between two normal faults

A thrust fault is best described as

a low-angle, reverse fault

A shale is metamorphosed through Regional Metamorphic event, where two continents have collided. The resulting metamorphic rock will be


A quartz sandstone is metamorphosed when a magma moves up into the crust. The resulting metamorphic rock will be


The focus of an earthquake is

the precise underground location at which rocks begin to rupture or shift

The Mercalli Intensity scale differs from the Richter and Moment-Magnitude scales because

it is a descriptive scale, which assigns a magnitude based on observed damage, rather than assigning a magnitude based on energy released

The Richter Scale is a logarithmic scale, which means

each successive number corresponds to a ten-fold increase in the wave-amplitude traced on a seismogram

Liquefaction is a process where unconsolidated sediment with some cohesiveness

begins to flow like a liquid, with no water added

Tsunami are caused by

a large, rapid, vertical displacement of the seafloor during submarine faulting

The vast majority of earthquakes are concentrated

at plate boundaries

When an earthquake occurs, the first waves to arrive at a seismograph are the


An earthquake's epicenter is the point

on the Earth's surface directly above the quake's focus

P waves and S waves are two types of

body waves

P-waves travel through the earth by

compression and expansion

To locate the epicenter of an earthquake, a seismologist must determine all of the following EXCEPT

the depth of the earthquake and the type of fault from which it originated

Which of the following statements concerning P waves is NOT true?

P-waves stop when they move into liquids

Oceanic crust is

very homogeneous and made dominantly of basalt

Changing the speed of a P-wave makes the wave


The epicenter of an earthquake is always

none of the above

When rocks break or a fault moves, energy is released in the form of

seismic waves

The lag between P- and S-wave arrival times can be converted to

the distance between the earthquake epicenter and the seismograph station

An important aspect of seismic waves is that they have different time gaps on seismograms from different locations. Why would a seismogram recorded closer to the epicenter have the P and S wave arrivals closer together than on a seismogram from farther aw

The arrival time of any wave is based upon its speed. P waves are faster, so they "pull away" from S waves with increasing distance from the epicenter

The continental shelf is

continental crust that is submerged under ocean water

Passive continental margins

have developed from divergence

New oceanic crust and lithosphere are formed at

divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of mafic magma


are volcanoes that form on the ocean floor

Old oceanic lithosphere typically experiences what type of subduction and at what angle?

Spontaneous subduction; steep angle

An earthquake occurs in the north Pacific ocean near the coast of Alaska. Which of the following combinations are most likely to generate a tsunami?

compressional stress, vertical movement

An earthquake of magnitude 8.5 is how much more powerful than one of magnitude 5.5?

1000 times

The Atlantic Ocean is a middle-aged ocean. During the next stage of development for the Atlantic, it will begin to look more like which of the following

Pacific Ocean