Ch 7 Quiz

On the graph shown, what do the numbered, dashed lines indicate?

A. how temperature changes with depth in different tectonic settings
B. geothermal gradients associated with different tectonic settings
-----> C. All of the possible answers are correct.
D. the metamorphic facies a rock will pass through if it is buried

The metamorphic grade of a rock is determined by observing the

metamorphic mineral assemblage.

What is the protolith of marble?


In this image of a metamorphic rock viewed through a petrographic microscope, the preferred orientation of the mineral grains is ________, indicating that the direction of greatest compression was oriented ________.

vertical; horizontally

A metamorphic rock

may have preferred mineral orientation caused by differential stress.

Identify the list of rock types that is ordered by increasing degrees of metamorphism (i.e., from lower to higher grade).

slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

This figure shows microscopic views of the grains of various metamorphic rocks. Which of the metamorphic rocks formed as the result of plastic deformation?

Rock C

Complete the comparison.
A mineral is to a rock as

an atom is to a molecule.

This diagram shows an example of how rocks can change in the rock cycle. Which of the following properly defines the numbered processes?

1: weathering, transport, and deposition; 2: burial and heating; 3: melting

How are metamorphic rocks different from igneous rocks?

Metamorphic rocks are formed by solid-state changes.


changes the texture (shape and size) of the grains.

The various geologic settings in which rocks can melt, metamorphose, or become sediment are ultimately generated by

plate tectonics.

What is most likely true of a metamorphic rock that exhibits significant compositional banding, such as the one shown here?

It is a foliated rock called gneiss.

Metamorphic rock

has changed physical characteristics while remaining solid.

Which statement is true according to the rock cycle?

Uplift, weathering, burial, and heating/melting can transform one rock type into another.

Which of the following statements about metamorphic rocks and their characteristic environments is true?

Slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss are found in areas of continental collision.

Identify the metamorphic rocks in each of the pairs of rocks.
Pair 1
Choose one:
Pair 2
Choose one:


Shale, a sedimentary rock, can be metamorphosed to schist through

burial during continental collision.

Choose one:

is basically a solid mass of interlocking quartz grains.

The rocks on this map that underwent the deepest burial are now exposed at the surface in which state?
