Geology 1303 Karlsson

The daily rotation of the earth causes the equatorial regions to _____ and the polar regions to ____

Buldge outward, flatten

An active continental margin has

volcanoes, earthquakes, *
be close to an oceanic trench
* near a margin

which of the following is not associated with convergent plate boundaries?

spreading centers

movement of the continents through time has been done by studying

the wandering of the magnetic poles

the thinnest and least voluminous structural layer of earth is the ___


Seismic waves that bounce off a boundary between two different materials are said to be _____ whereas seismic waves that cross the boundary and are bent are said to be____


evidence for the layering of the earth comes from the measurements of

waves generated by earthquakes

how many moons are in the inner solar system?


what drives plate tectonics?

mantle convection

new oceanic crust is created at ____

mid ocean ridges

the main type of plate boundaries are?

convergent, divergent, transform

how do we determine absolute direction of plate movement over long periods of time?

by looking at hot-spot tracks

which of the following statements is true about the age of the earth and moon

the earth and moon are approximately the same age

around when was the theory of plate tectonics developed?


in a deep mine, temperatures increase at the rate of _____

25 C per Kilometer

the so called S-wave shadow is due to

blockage of seismic waves by earth core

oceanic crust is ______ continental crust

thicker than/ more dense

the best evidence for the internal structure of the earth comes from?

seismic waves/ waves generated by earthquakes

TAMU MASSIF" was a name given to what may be the ____

largest volcano on earth

geologists often determine so called "anomalies". which of the following is NOT an anomaly?

distance to the center of the earth

the main types of crust on earth are?

oceanic and continental

we expect NO meteorites to come from?


which of the following is not one of the giant outer planets?


what does the lithosphere =?

crust + upper mantle

which seismic wave will arrive at a seismograph first?


Alfred Wageners theory was initially rejected because:

the forces responsible for moving continents was too weak

an island arc forms when there is _______ plate convergence


which of the following makes up the bulk of earth (by volume)?


because the earths average density is 5.5 gm/cc, and the surface rock densities range from 2.5 to 3.0 gm/cc (memorize question)

the interior must be far more crustal mass than interior mass

the oceanic crust is made up of which type of rock


Approximately how fast do the plates move on average per year?

at the rate of a human fingernail growth

temperatures in the solar system generally decrease from the ___?


when a deep sea trench is located next to a continent, where would you expect to find active volcanoes?

on the continent side of the trench

danish geophysisist, Inge Lehman, was the first person to discover

earths solid inner core

the topography of the seafloor usually consists of:

volcanoes, ridges, trenches,vast plains, and plateaus

what two scientists related the positive and negative magnetic bands on the seafloor to seafloor spreading>

vine and mathews

which of the following is a divergent plate boundary? (just know question.... don't have answer bank)

the mid-atlantic ridge

the earths major layers include

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

what caused dust and condensing material to accrete into planetismals

gravitational attraction and collisions

old cold lithosphere is destroyed

in subduction zones

the mohorovicic discontinuity lies at which boundary? (moho)


which of the following is NOT sitting on a mantle plume?

Ney York.... or Lubbock

the vast majority of earthquakes on earth occurs along

plate boundaries

the geographical curve that describes how temperatures change with depth in the earth is called the____?


why are isochrones on the pacific seafloor more widely spaced than isochrones on the atlantic seafloor

the pacific seafloor formed at a faster spreading rate than the atlantic seafloor

how old is the earth said to be?

4.5 billion year

The belt of volcanoes often referred to as the "Ring of Fire" refers to which ocean?

pacific ocean

going along a passive continental margin to the seafloor which is the correct sequence of features

shelf, slope, rise

the so-called "front line" is located between?

uranus and neptune

oceanic crust that records negative magnetic anomalies formed when the earths magnetic field was ______

revised from what it is today

The best (not easiest) place to collect meteorites is _______


most meteorites come from the ________ belt

asteroid belt

what is an accepted explanation of the moons origin?

it formed when a mars sized object collided with earth

what is the strongest evidence for the planets having large collisions after they formed?

the tilt of their axes of rotation

reefs are classified into three categories

fringing, barrier, and atoll

how old are the oldest rocks on the ocean floor?

younger than 200 million years old

guyots (former) differ from regular seamounts (latter) in that:

the former have flats tops and the latter have peaks

the best evidence for the internal structure of the earth comes from :

waves generated by earthquakes

the greatest topographical feature (highest or lowest) on earth is

marianas trench

The east coast of north america is what type of boundary?

convergent plate boundary

mid ocean ridges are also referred to as

spreading centers

where is new lithosphere created?

deep sea trenches

if old oceanic crust did not disappear into the deep sea trenches, then over time, the mantle would have to grow _____


The jovian planets are

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus

What is the so-called "Wadati-Benioff" zone?

the part of the fracture zone that lies between the ridges and has earthquakes

who has proposed the theory of seafloor spreading?

Harry Hess

The North American plate is bounded by ____, ____, and _____plate boudaries

convergent, divergent, transform

Magnetic reversals of the earths magnetic field are when what happens?

the earths north and south poles flip

what will be the charge of an atom containing 8 protons, 9 neutrons and 9 electrons?


which mineral properties is rare or unique to only a few minerals?


which of the following is an example of a transform plate boundary?

san Andreas fault

curiosity is the name of the car sized rover currently roaming around the surface of ____?


what kind of plate boundary defines the eastern edge of the plate we live on here in the US?

transform fault

what is a dominant type of bonding in a mineral?

ionic bonding

what is an example of a cation?

neutron highest, then proton, then electron

isotopes of an element have different numbers of


the four inner planets are ____, ____, and ___________

small, rocky, and lacking in volatile elements

which of the following is a divergent plate boundary?

mid- atlantic ridge

at which type of plate boundary do the deepest earthquakes occur? ____ ______ and ______

convergent, divergent, transform

If you started from the eats coast of north america and descended into the atlantic ocean, you would travel along the

shelf then slope then rise

how do we determine the absolute direction of plate movement over long periods of time?

by looking at hot-spot tracks

which of the following subatomic particles has a positive charge?


which of the following planetary bodies is currently not geologically active?

IO (moon of Jupiter)