Geology 1100

Which of the following statements regarding the scientific method is true

A theory is a hypothesis that has withstood many scientific tests

How old is the Earth

approximately 4.5 billion years old

The Earth's core is made up primarily of


Which of the following elements is more abundant in the Earth's crust as compared to the Earth as a whole?


Ninety percent of the Earth is made up of which four elements?

iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium

Solar energy energizes all of the following major components of the Earth system except the


In which of the following subsystems is the Earth's magnetic field generated?

hydrologic system

The Earth's climate system involves interactions between the atmosphere and the

biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere

Which of the following relationships is correct

lithosphere = crust + upper mantle

Large continental masses had formed on the Earth by

2.5 billion years ago

When did biology's "Big Bang" (evolutionary explosion) occur?

about 540 million years ago

What caused the mass extinctions 65 million years ago that ended the Age of Dinosaurs?

major bolide impact

Stony meteorites are similar in composition to the Earth's


The group of meteorites that are similar in composition to the Earth's core are

iron-nickel meteorites

Change in the ground elevation of the Earth's surface is called


Elevation of the ground surface is measured relative to

sea level

The daily rotation of the Earth causes the equatorial regions to _______ and the polar regions to ________.

bulge outward, flatten

The Mohorovicic discontinuity coincides with the __________ boundary.


The Earth's major layers include (from outermost to innermost) ___________.

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

The ability of the Earth's atmosphere to retain heat is referred to as the __________.

greenhouse effect

The typical elevation of the land surface occurs within a range of _______ above sea level.

0-1 km

The highest topographic point above sea level on Earth is at ________.

Mount Everest

The average density of continental crust is ________ g/cm3


Continents float high because they are _______.

less dense than the mantle

Which of the following is not an integral part of the scientific method


In terms of its shape Earth is _______.

flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator

The densest part of the Earth is the _______.


The lithosphere is composed of _______

crust and upper mantle

Geologist James Hutton advanced the principle of _______


Devices used to detect earthquakes are called


The average density of the bulk earth is most similar to that of

iron meteorite (8 g/cc

The largest jump in density within the Earth is at the _______.

mantle-core boundary

Deep time" refers to time measured in _______ of years


Roughly how much exterrestrial material falls on the Earth annually

a million tons

Who proposed the theory of continental drift?

Charles Darwin

Where is new lithosphere created?

divergent plate boundaries

Where does volcanism occur?

divergent plate boundaries transform fault boundaries

New lithosphere is created ____________.

at mid-ocean ridges

Which of the following locations could be represented by the diagram?

the west coast of South America

In which ocean are most of the world's convergent plate margins located?

Pacific Ocean

The east coast of North America is __________

not a plate boundary

Approximately how deep (below sea level) are the deepest deep-sea trenches?

10 km

Which of the following is not associated with convergent plate boundaries?

spreading centers

Which of the following mountain ranges formed as a result of ocean-continent convergence?

the Andes

When a deep-sea trench is located next to a continent, where would you expect to find active volcanoes?

on the continent side of the trench

What type of plate boundary is parallel to the direction of plate movement?

transform plate boundary

The North American Plate is bounded by ______ plate boundaries.

convergent, divergent, and transform

Modern seafloor spreading rates range from _________.

2 to 15 centimeters per year

What two scientists related the positive and negative magnetic bands on the seafloor to seafloor spreading?

F.J. Vine and D.H. Mathews

When was the supercontinent of Pangaea assembled?

approximately 250 million years ago

How old are the oldest rocks on the ocean floor?

about 200 million years old

The oldest continental rocks are __________ than the oldest oceanic rocks.

much older

Isochrons on the seafloor are roughly __________ the ridge axis along which they were created.

parallel to and symmetric about

Why are isochrons on the Pacific seafloor more widely spaced than isochrons on the Atlantic seafloor?

The Pacific seafloor formed at a faster spreading rate than the Atlantic seafloor.

When did India begin to collide with Asia to form the Himalayas?

about 50 million years ago

What drives plate tectonics?

mantle convection

How deep are plates subducted?

2900 km

The Hawaiian volcanoes are __________.

not located at a plate boundary

Mid-ocean ridges are also referred to as _________.

spreading centers

The convergence of the North American Plate with the Juan de Fuca Plate forms the ______ subduction zone.


Mount St. Helens is part of the ____________.

Cascade Range

The Great Rift Valley of East Africa is an early-stage _________.

divergent boundary

Astronomical positioning measures points on the Earth's surface relative to ________.

the position of fixed stars

Fifty million years in the future geoscientists predict the east coast of North America will be _____________.

a convergent plate boundary

The main type of plate boundaries are (proper names only): __________.

convergent, transform, divergent

How do we determine absolute direction of plate movement over millions of years?

with seafloor isochrons

Who first described world tectonics in terms of rigid plates?

Tuzo Wilson

Who first proposed the three different kinds of plate boundaries widely accepted today

Tuzo Wilson

Which of the following locations is least likely to have active volcanoes?

transform fault

How many major plates cover the Earth's surface?


Who first suggested that the Earth's surface might be a fragile shell resting on fluid?

Benjamin Franklin

__________ was the first earth scientist to propose a rudimentary form of seafloor spreading?

Arthur Holmes