Oceanography Chapter 6

Weather (short-term conditions of air temperature, wind speed/direction, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure) occurs because __________.

Earth's surface is heated unevenly by the Sun

Of the following statements about the tilt of Earth's axis, which one is true? Select only one answer.

An increase in Earth's tilt would cause colder winters and warmer summers.

The place traced by Earth's orbit is called the vernal equinox.


The percentage of incident light radiation reflected back to space is termed ALBEDO.


Near the poles, more energy is reflected back into space than is absorbed.


Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of:


The intensity of solar radiation received at lower latitudes (near the equator) compared to higher latitudes (near the poles) is:


Earth's atmosphere is heated primarily by __________.

re-radiation of solar energy from Earth's surface back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation

Of the following statements about the transfer of heat on Earth, which is/are true?

1. Ocean currents move warm water from the tropics to higher latitudes.
2. Air currents move warmer air from the tropics to higher latitudes.
3. Water vapor in the air carries latent heat with it, which is released in other areas.

Wind is initiated by thermal heating from the sun and cooling by the ocean creating a thermal convection cell.


Cool, dense air causes low pressure at the surface, whereas warm, less dense air causes high pressure.


The two most abundant components of dry air are:

nitrogen and oxygen.

In the troposphere, air temperatures:

decrease with increasing altitude.

All of the following are true of the movement of Earth's atmosphere except:

warm air is less dense than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface.

The Coriolis effect is caused by __________.

the rotation of Earth

The maximum Coriolis effect occurs at the equator due to slower rotational velocity compared to higher latitudes.


As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds always are deflected:

to the right of their original direction.

The doldrums can be found at the Equator.


The doldrums refer to the same region as the:

inter-tropical convergence zone.

Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and:

differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land.

Hurricanes frequently make landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but rarely, if ever, occur on the Pacific coast. The primary reason for the rarity of west coast hurricanes is that __________.

the ocean water does not get warm enough to supply the needed heat energy for hurricanes

Light and variable winds, warm and humid conditions, and frequent rainfall are characteristic of __________ oceanic climate zones.


Of the following statements about the trade winds, which is/are true?

1. The trade winds are found between about 5 and 30 degrees north or south latitude.
2. The trade winds are strong and steady winds, hence the name.
3.The trade winds generally blow from the east to the west.

Surface winds in the tropics generally blow _______________.

1.toward the equator
2.from the east

A cold front is likely to have heavy, brief showers associated with it.


A hurricane is a very strong high-pressure system.


Tropical cyclones derive their energy from the water's high latent heat of fusion.


A cold air mass moving into an area occupied by relatively warm air is called a/an:

Cold Front

The strength of a hurricane stems from water's:

latent heat of condensation.

The largest loss of life from a hurricane is usually due to:

storm surge.

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are generally related to the formation or movement of hurricanes?

1. warm ocean water
2. water's latent heat of condensation
3. the trade winds
4. warm air with lots of water vapor

component with the greatest concentration in the Earth's atmosphere

Nitrogen (N2)

lowermost portion of Earth's atmosphere where most weather occurs


rising and sinking air masses moving in a circular fashion

Convection cell

Trade winds

prevailing wind pattern at tropical latitudes


prevailing wind pattern at temperate latitudes