Geology test 2-->study guide


An outflow of water from a stream, pipe, groundwater aquifer, or watershed; the opposite of recharge.
, The amount of water that a stream carries.


: having small spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass.

Storage coefficient

ability of rock materials to store water.
The volume of water an aquifer releases from or takes into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit change in head.

Darcy's law

An equation stating that groundwater discharge depends on the hydraulic gradient, hydraulic conductivity, and cross-sectional area of an aquifer.
describing ground water discharge. , A groundwater movement equation formulated by Henry Darcy during the mid

perched aquifer

The water table is the surface where the water pressure head is equal to the atmospheric pressure
An aquifer that is separated from another water-bearing stratum by an impermeable layer.

Hard Water

Water that has certain dissolved ions in it - predominately calcium and magnesium ions
, Water containing large amounts of mineral salts

natural levees

a depositional feature along the stream channel


Urbanization increases flooding because ground is paved

channel improvement/stream channelization

Lining and straitening--->is to decrease flood-related damage

unconfined aquifer

where ground water is in direct contact with the atmosphere through the open porous spaces of the overlying rock or soil.


resting in a high place
a place where something sits


An underground formation that contains groundwater
, A body of rock or sediment that stores groundwater and allows the flow of groundwater.
natural area where water goes through

confined aquifer

Potentiometric surface: groundwater reservoirs under artesian conditions require a confined aquifer, A groundwater storage area trapped between two impermeable layers of rock.

semiconfined aquifer

if an aquifer has an aquitard it is called a
leaky aquifer


A depression of the land surface as a result of groundwater being pumped. Cracks and fissures can appear in the land. Subsidence is virtually an irreversible process.
, Land sinks as result of over pumping an aquifer

groundwater depletion

use of water faster than it is replenished, many aquifers are over pumped
, -over pumping makes the water table fall (top of the saturated layer of porous rock) which forces farmers to dig deeper wells. If it is too deep, they tap into minerals such as ar

water tables

boundary between saturated material below and unsaturated material above
water table marks the top of the zone of satuation

unsaturated zone

A layer of rocks & soil ABOVE THE WATER TABLE in which the pores contain air as well as water
, a layer of rocks and soil above the water table in which the pores contain air as well as water, The layer of rock and soil above the water table
ground water

Possible consequences of excessive groundwater withdrawal

Surface subsidence. (is when too much is being taken out)

zone of saturation

An area beneath the earth's surface which extends downward until all of the open spaces in sediment and rock are completely filled with water.
, The lower zone where water accumilates between small rock particles.

capillary fringe zone

The zone above the free water elevation The porous material just above the water table which may hold water by capillarity in the smaller void spaces.
**Area above water table where water is being held in small areas or tubes

capillary action

tendency of water to rise in a thin tube. the ACTION of going into the tubes or small areas where water is held.

although sediments are from natural sources if they are out of place

they are considered a water pollutant

poor soil drainage is the principal cause of

septic system failure-->
if your soil isnt draining bad things can grow.

septic system failure

when there will be poor soil drainage which could allow for wastewater to come to the surface when there is precipitation

vadose zone

top of the ground surface to the water table
unsaturated zone
, A zone above the water table and below the land surface that is not saturated with water
A subsurface zone of soil or rock containing fluid under pressure that is less than that of the atmosp

groundwater zone

Water that moves down in soil to a point where it is saturated (where the pores and spaces between solid and rock particles are filled with water).
, where does cementation occur, water that moves down in soil to a point where it is saturated

saturated zone

A layer of permeable rock or soil in which the cracks & pores are COMPLETELY FILLED with water


holding as much water as possible. absorb as much as possible.

which sediment types would likely serve as an aquitard material


artesian well

A well in which water rises because of pressure within the aquifer,
A well in which water rises on its own. (b/c of pressure)

which land use change will normally be associated with increased sediment load in a stream


groundwater moves from regions of

high head to regions of low head.

human activities such as Urbanization and deforestation tend to _____flood hazards


Which process can raise the water table?

Extended periods of heavy rains

If a low permeability layer overlies an aquifer, the aquifer is said to be:


What is salinity

the total amount of solid material dissolved in water, the amount of dissolved salts in seawater

What Is the Percentage of the Total Volume of a Rock or Sediment That Consists of Pore Space Called?

The amount in a piece of rock or sediment that consists of holes and space in the matter is called the porosity of a rock. It can also be called the permeability of a rock.

A cone of depression is caused by

Pumping a well in an unconfined aquifer
flow of
groundwater to well due to pumping

cone of depression

A cone of depression (in hydrology)- is a conically shaped depression in the soil around a point where underground pump is located.

Most of earths freshwater resources occur as

Most of the freshwater on earth is found in ICE CAPS/GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS making up 69% of all fresh water in earth. Experts say that over 98% of fresh water on earth cannot be used by humans and other living organisms.


A delta is a low, nearly flat area constructed of sediment deposited at a river's mouth, which is where the river ends at the shore of an ocean or large lake.,
A landform made of sediment that is deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake

recurrence interval

The average time between successive geologic events.

Recurrence interval formula

R=return time in years
n=number of records
m=rank of the one day maximum for a year relative to the ranks of all other years

what is the mathematical relationship between discharge, area, and velocity of a river?

discharge = area x velocity

The boundaries between watersheds of all sizes are elevated areas called



clean out the bed of (a harbor, river, or other area of water) by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish with a dredge.

Volcanoes associated with the ____are located in ORegon Washington and northern CA

Cascadia Subduction Zone

what is a pahoehoe

Fast moving, ropey lava with a low viscosity. smooth and billowy

Where does most of the Earths volcanism and sea floor spreading occur

oceanfloor/sea floor


short, artificial walls built perpendicular to the shoreline to trap sand moved by longshore currents.
manmade structure built more or less perpendicular to the beach

100 year flood

statistical assessment that a given event has a 1 in 100 chance of occurring in any year. 1% chance.
used it as a basis for a flood insurance program

urbanized drainage basin

Urbanization effects the flow of water into the channel. The flow of water into the channel will effect how much water is in the channel. Volume effects velocity. In most cases, urbanization will provide a faster flow since the non-porous surfaces don't s

drainage basin

where water collects


The cycle through which water in the hydrosphere moves; includes such processes as evaporation, precipitation, and surface and groundwater runoff

water table

a boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above ,
The upper level of the saturated zone of groundwater
water table: boundary between saturated material below and unsaturated material above
water table marks the top of the zone of satura

which makes the best aquifer material

rock. with permibility (permeable) and porous

a wave moving from deep waters into shallower water along a coastline

wave height gets steeper and the wave lengths get shorter

The color of the magma does not change the


two different types of basalt lava flows

pahoehoe lava, a'A


Thin lines of sand deposited by long shore transport,
sand deposits that form when longshore currents that move sand along the shoreline encounter deeper water in a bay and drop their sediment loads

currently sea levels are

rising every year for the last 18000 years

mathematical relations between discharge area and velocity.

A area

building a dam across a stream will act to___water and supply of sand to a beach


The Distance between Any Two Successive Crests of a Wave Is Called the?

The distance between any two successive crests of a wave is called wavelength. Wavelength is designated by a Greek letter called lambda which is represented as a letter y in an upside down position. Wavelength is associated with waves of energy like light

henry darcy clarified the important variables that determine

various factors that affect the rate of removal of pathogenic viruses during soil passage

drainage divides separate
