Geology3: Chapters 8, 10, 11, 12

what is the process by which the majority of fossils form?

burial of ahrd parts

the ratio of radioactive parent to daughter product in a 100 million-year old granite is 50% to 50%. What is the half-life of they radioactive element

100 million years

what do foreshocks before a major earthquake represent?

small slippages of the rocks along the fault before frictional forces totally give way

what is the correct order of arrival at a seisometer

P wave, S wave, and surface wave

seismologists use what to rate the ground motion associated with an earthquake?

richter scale

brittle deformation occurs at ___________ than does ductile deformation

shallower crustal depths

the mass of rock lies below a sloping fault plane is the


converging plate boundaries are typified by

reverse faults

compressional forces cause the crust to

thicken and shorten

matching multiple strati graphic columns by rock and fossil types is called


the 4 eras of geologic time from OLDEST TO MOST RECENT ARE

Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

the age of the Earth s thought to be approximately

4.6 billion years

what kind of faults would one fins in diverging boundaries such as the mid-oceanic ridges


the body seismic wave that can pass through the Earth's core and out the opposite side is the

p wave

an intrusive igneous sill between 2 sedimentary layers

younger than the sedimentary layers

per "fossil succession", which series of species is listed in correct order from OLDEST TO YOUNGEST

fishes- reptiles-man

a 7.0 magnitude earthquake caused how much more ground motion than a 4.0 earthquake?

1,000 times

which is not a common effect of metamorphism?

darker color

which of these is a common effect of metamorphism?

new mineralogy, modified crystal, and increased hardness

when do rocks along a fault have the greatest amount of buildup strain?

right before the earhtquake

the variety of metamorphic rocks textures involving parallel mineral arrangements are collectively calleed


Stress causes


which is a correct parent rock-metamorphic product pari

sandstone - quartzite, granite - gneiss, and limestone-marble

why do new minerals sometimes form during metamorphism?

chemical fluids are available to mobilize and redistribute elemental atoms and the original minerals aren't stable at the higher pressures

what kind of plate boundaries generate the majority of regional metamorphism and metamorphic rocks?


what are some examples of foliated metamorphic rocks

schist, gneiss, and slate

the exact location on the fault plane where the earthquake ORIGINATES is called


what kind of metamorphism is generated in the rocks adjacent to a large body of intrusive magma?


over geologic time, life on earth has become

more diverse and more complrex

anticlines and sync-lines form as a result of which type of stress?


sedimentary rocks are more easily metamorphosed than igneous or previously metamorphosed rocks because

they formed at temperatures and pressures much LOWER than those of metamorphism

the boundary between tilted sedimentary strata and overlying horizontal sedimentary strata

and angular conformity

which of the following usually occurs in the hour or so before tsunami landfall

the beach widens dramatically as water is pulled seaward into the approaching wave

which is correct order of progressive metamorphism of shale (mudstone)

whcislate, phyllite, schist, gneiss