GEO 1110 - Chp 9 - terms

mass wasting

the movement in which bedrock, rock debris, or soil moves downslope in bulk, or as a mass, because of the pull of gravity




(also called engineering _________) any unconsolidated material at the Earth's surface, regardless of particle size or composition


soil that is coarse-grained fragments


soil that is predominantly fine-grained


soil that has a high content of water, clay or silt


the descending mass is moving downslope as a viscous fluid


the descending mass remains relatively intact, moving along one or more well-defined surfaces


the descending mass free-falls or bounces down a cliff

translational slide

the descending mass moves along a plane approximately parallel to the slope of the surface

rotational slide

the descending mass moves along a curves surface, the upper part moving downward while the lower part moves outward.


the vertical distance between valley floor and mountain summit


the immediate cause of failure of already unstable ground

normal force

force that is perpendicular to the slope and is the component of gravity that tends to hold the block in place

shear force

force that is parallel to the slope and indicates the mass's ability to move. Friction is its opposite force.

shear resistance

force that would be needed to move the mass

shear strength

resistance to movement or deformation of that soil

pore pressure

when water forces sand grains apart

surface tension

characteristic of water in which a surface film is created that attracts water molecules to one another

soil creep

very slow, downslope movement of soil


earth moves downslope as a viscous fluid (can be slow or rapid) - remember "earth" refers to soil that is predominantly fine-grained


a steep cut


can refer to a rotational slide or earthflow


land characterized by mounds and depressions; usually forming at the toe or front of an earthflow where soil has accumulated


the flow of water-saturated soil over impermeable material such as over permafrost


a layer of ground that remains frozen for many years, as hard as concrete

debris flow

flow involving soil in which coarse material (gravel, boulders) is predominant


a flowing mixture of soil and water, usually moving down a channel; remember _______ refers to soil that has a high content of water, clay or silt

debris avalance

fastest variety of debris flow; very rapidly moving, turbulent mass of debris, air, and water

rock fall

when blocks of bedrock break off and falls freely or bounces down a cliff


accumulation of rocks from a rockfall at the base of a cliff


a rapid sliding of a mass of bedrock along an inclined surface of weakness, such as a bedding plan, a major fracture in the rock, or a foliation plane

rock avalanche

a very rapid moving, turbulent mass of broken-up bedrock

Landslides" is an ineffective term because . . .

. . . it tells nothing of the process involved

The classification system in the book is based on . . .

. . . rate of movement, type of materials and nature of movement

Difference between rock avalanche and debris avalanche is . . .

. . . rock avalanche begins as bedrock

the relationship between _______ and ________ determine if a mass will move down a slope

shear resistance and shear force

shear resistance > shear force =


shear resistance < shear force =


positive correlation between normal force and _______

shear force

shear strength > shear force =


shear strength < shear force =


Ways construction creates potential of mass wasting

base of slope is undercut; vegetation is removed; structures on upper part of slope add weight; extra water adds weight and weakens shear strength