Ch. 10

gross domestic product

the total income of everyone in the economy
best single measure of a society's economic well-being; the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time


rate at which average prices are rising


rate at which average prices are falling

trade deficit

imbalance of trade between the U.S. and the rest of the world

GDP measures two things

the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy's output of goods and services and measures the flow of money

example of how for GDP, income equals expenditure

I buy a candy bar for $1 so I lose $1 and Walgreens gains $1. The GDP rises by $1

circular flow chart

goods and services go through markets to households, then factors of production go back to the firm and household spending turns into revenue for a firm which turns into wages/income--this assumes households and firms spend all of their money

What does GDP include?

market value of housing services, final goods, goods and services, no items produced in the past, within country borders

how housing services are part of GDP

rent equals both the tenant's expenditure and the landlord's income
for those that own their home, GDP assumes a person is renting the house to herself
your own produced foods as well as illegal foods are not part of GDP

Canadian citizen working in the U.S. is part of the ___ GDP


statistical discrepancy

the difference between the two calculations of GDP

GDP equation









Gov't Purchases/ salaries of gov't workers


Net exports


spending by households on goods and services with the exception of purchases of new housing (durable, nondurable, and services)


the purchase of goods that will be used in the future to produce more goods and services
sum of purchases of capital equipment, inventories, and structures including expenditure on housing

gov't purchases

spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal gov'ts
salaries of gov't workers and expenditures of public works
transfer payments are different because they include SS and unemployment because they are not made in exchange for a currently pr

net exports

equal the foreign purchases of domestically produced goods (exports)-the domestic purchases of foreign goods (imports)
when buying something abroad,the purchase reduces net exports but because it also raises consumption, investment, or gov't purchases

If total spending rises from one year to the next

the economy is producing a larger output of goods and services or
goods and services are being sold at higher prices

real GDP

the production of goods and services valued at constant prices
evaluate current production using prices that are fixed at past levels; shows how the economy's overall production of goods and services changes over time
not affected by changes in prices,

economic growth is

% change from real GDP

___ GDP is more accurate than ___ GDP

Real; nominal

nominal GDP

the production of goods and services valued at current prices

GDP deflator=

(nominal GDP/real GDP)*100

inflation rate of year 2 of deflator=

[(GDP deflator y2-GDP deflator year 1)/GDP deflator in y1]*100


when about there are two consecutive periods of falling GDP
includes economic distress: rising unemployment, falling profits, increased bankruptcies

low GDP=

higher infant mortality, low birth weight, higher rates of maternal mortality, higher rates of child malnutrition

happiness index

subjective measures of the economy (health, crime, friendliness)

aggregate income=

aggregate expenditure=value of aggregate production

(measured) GDP

the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period; doesn't include illegal items

Ideal GDP

perfectly measured GDP=GDP that includes the value of both market and nonmarket final goods and services

inventory exception

when intermediate products becomes final products

Net exports (NX)=


GDP doesn't include

value of leisure, nonmarket goods, environmental quality, income inequality

potential GDP

estimate of what GDP would have been if all factors of production (L, K) been used at their "normal" rates

exponential growth

Y=(1+r)^t then use log equation

paying taxes does or does not affect GDP

does not

If US builds a $10 million plant in China, who's GDP is affected and why?

China's increases by $10 million because it is an investment

why are imports not counted in GDP?

consumption increases but imports decreases the amount in net exports

when actual GDP is lower than potential GDP...

in a slump like the Great Recession

when actual GDP is higher than potential GDP

economy is overheating

frictional unemployment

unemployment will always be around because of people switching jobs or finding one