Micro- Welfare Economics

Welfare Economics

The study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being

Willingness to pay

The maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good

Consumer Surplus

The amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it


The Value of everything a seller must give up to produce a good

Producer Surplus

The amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller's cost of providing it


The property of a resource allocation of maximizing the total surplus received by all members of society


The property of distributing prosperity uniformly among members of society

Market Failure

The inability of some unregulated markets to allocate resources efficiently

Tax Wedge

The difference between what the buyer pays and the seller receives when a tax is placed in a market

Deadweight loss

The reduction in total surplus that results from a tax

Laffer Curve

A graph showing the relationship between the size of a tax and the tax revenue collected


The uncompensated impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander

Positive externality

A situation when a person's actions have a beneficial impact on a bystander

Negative Externality

A situation when a person's actions have an adverse impact on a bystander

Social Cost

The sum of private costs and external costs

Internalizing an externality

Altering incentives so that people take into account the external effects of their actions

Corrective Tax

A tax designed to induce private decision makers to take into account the social costs that arise from a negative externality

Coase Theorem

The proposition that if private parties can bargain without cost over the allocation of resources, they can solve the problem of externalities on their own

Transaction Costs

The Cost that parties incur in the process of agreeing and following though on a bargain

Free Rider

A person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it

Cost-benefit analysis

A study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public good.

Tragedy of the Commons

A parable that illustrates why common resources get used more than is desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole.

World Price

The Price of a good that prevails in the world market for that good.

Price Takers

Market participants that cannot influence the price so they view the price as given.


A tax on goods produced abroad and sold domestically