Micro Econ Test 3


the satisfaction a consumer obtains from the consumption of a good or service

3 Facts of Utility

1) Utility is measured in utils
2) we cannot compare the utils assigned to a good by multiple people
3)we CAN compare the utils assigned to multiple goods by one person

Total Utility

the total satisfaction a person derives from consuming some specific quantity

TU(Toatl Utility) increases as...

Qd increases

What is the formula for TU

(Sigma)Mu-Summation Marginal Utility

Marginal Utility

the additional utility a consumer derives from an additional unit of a good

as MU falls....

willingness to pay falls as well

How do we find MU?

MU= the change in total utility

Law of diminishing MU

as Qd rises-> Mu falls

define budget line/constraint

line that shows the different consumption bundles a consumer can purchase with a specific money income

define consumption bundle

the combination of goods and services consumed by an individual

the price of a consumption bundle cannot...

exceed the consumers total income

what is the formula for income?


if the consumer is at the budget line, the only way to consume more of one good is to...

give up some of the other

What are the factors that change the budget line?

2)Price of Y
3) Price of X

what is the formula for Marginal Utility per dollar?


TU is maximized when?

1)all income is spent

what is an optimal consumption bundle?

the bundle that maximizes total utility

What is the utility maximization rule?

for utility maximization, the consumer must get the same amount of utility from the last dollar spent on each good

Define possible optimal bundles

use the income formula on possible optimal bundle to determine if all money spent?

when graphing optimal consumption, what happens of price changes?

1) rewrite the entire table
2)use graph

define indifference curve

a line that shows the consumption bundles that yield the same amount of total utility

what are the properties of (most) indifference curves?

1) IC's are downward sloping
2) IC's farther from the origin represents a greater level of TU
3) IC's never cross
4) IC's are based inward

why are indifference curves bowed inward?

because the slope is constantly changing

What is the formula for slope of an Indifference Curve?

slope= (delta)Qy/(delta)Qx
along an IC= (delta)TUx+(delta)TUy=0
this can be written as:

define Marginal Rate of Substitution

the ratio of the marginal utility of one good to the marginal utility of another

What is the formula for Marginal rate of substitution?



the ratio of the price of one good to the price of another

what is the formula for Relative Price?


How do you find the slope of the budget line?

slope of the budget line=-Px/Py

How can we find the Optimal Bundle?

we can do it by setting

What are the three types of special indifference curves?

Perfect Substitutes
Perfect Complements

define Perfect Substitutes

goods for which the marginal rate of substitution is constant, no matter how much of each good is consumed

define Perfect Complements

goods that a consumer will consume in the same ratio regardless of their relative price

Profit is represented how?

by (Pi)
(Pi)= Total Revenue-Total cost

What ways can Total Cost be difined?

1)Accounting(Pi)= TR- Explicit Cost
2)Economic (Pi)= TR- Economic Cost(includes Implicit and Explicit costs)

What makes up Economic cost?

Explicit and implicit cost

Define Short Run (in Time in Production)

an amount of time insufficient to allow PLANT CAPACITY to vary, Also, firms may shutdown production, but they cannot exit the market

Define Plant Capacity (in Time in Production)

the size of the building and amount of capital equipment

Define Long Run (in Time In Production)

all costs are variable: entry and exit are possible

define Variable Costs

costs that change as output changes: goes to zero during shutdown

Describe what makes up Short Run Fixed Costs

1) cannot be varied in the SR
2) do not change as output changes
3)still exist when output falls to zero
4)Usually associated with capital

Define Marginal Cost

the additional cost associated with a 1 unit increase

On a graph, where do ATC and AVC cross MC?

at their miniumum

What is the Law of Diminishing (Marginal) Returns

as successive units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, The Marginal Product of the variable resource eventually decreases

why LDMR?

find out!

define Marginal Product of Labor

the additional output produced by one more unit of a variable input