Micro Final

the primary goal of a business firm is to

maximize profit

a firm's fundamental goal is

to maximize profit

accountants calculate

depreciation using IRS rules

opportunity cost is the

cost the firm must pay for the factors of production

the cost that a firm pays in money is

an explicit cost and opportunity cost

a cost of production that does not entail a direct money payment

implicit cost

a "normal profit" is the return to


a normal profit is referred to as

the return to entrepreneurship

normal profit is

part of the firm's opportunity costs

a firm's total revenue minus it's opportunity cost is its

economic profit

economic profit equals total revenue minus total

opportunity costs

opportunity cost measures

the cost of all factors of production the firm employs

the opportunity cost of a firm using its own capital is

economic depreciation

the difference between a firm's total revenue and its total cost is

economic profit

the short run is the time frame

during which quantities of all resources are fixed

the short run is a time period that is

too short to change the size of the firm's plant

to produce more output on the short run, a firm must employ more of

its variable resources

which is a list of fixed inputs for a hospital?

the emergency room, intensive care unit, and other facilities

the long run is a time period that is

long enough to change the size of the firm's plant and all other inputs

the long run is defined as

the period of time when all resources are variable

in the long run, the firm can

change the number of workers it employs and the size of its plant

total product curve shows the relationship between total product and

the quantity of labor

moving along the total product curve, what is held constant?


which statement correctly describes a total product curve?

separates attainable outputs from unattainable outputs

the marginal product of labor is

the change in the total product divided by the increase of labor

when the slope of the total product curve is steep, the marginal product is


increasing marginal returns always occur when the

marginal product of an additional worker exceeds the marginal product of the previous worker

decreasing marginal returns

affect all firms, but at different production levels

decreasing marginal returns occur in the short run as more labor is hired to work in a fixed sized plant because

adding more workers exhausts the possible gains from specialization

when the average product is at its maximum

it is equal to the marginal product

in the short run, firms increase output

by increasing the amount of labor used

total cost includes

the cost of both variable and fixed resources

if someone owns a company that incurs no fixed costs

their total cost would equal their total variable cost

the cost that does not change as output changes is

total fixed cost

which cost can be positive when the output is zero?

total fixed cost

what is an example of a fixed cost?

annual fire and health insurance premiums

the cost of labor is known as

variable cost

if a firm does not produce any output

its total variable cost must be zero

the change in cost that results from a one-unit increase in output is called the

marginal cost

as a typical firm increases its output, the marginal cost

decreases at first and then increases

average variable cost equals

total variable cost divided by output

average total cost equals

average fixed cost plus average variable cost

what always decreases when output increases?

average fixed cost

the average fixed cost curve is

always negatively sloped

the u shaped average total cost curve is

the result of average fixed cost falling and decreasing marginal returns as output increases

the u shape of the average variable, average total, and marginal cost curves reflects

both increasing and decreasing marginal returns

the short-run average total cost, average variable cost, and marginal cost curves are all u shaped because of

increasing and then decreasing marginal returns as more labor is hired

total cost is equal to the sum of

total variable cost and total fixed cost

total fixed cost is the cost of

a firm's fixed factors of production

when a firm's long-run average total cost falls as its output increases, the firm is experiencing

economies of sale

as output increases, economies of sale occur when the

long run average cost decreases

the main source of economies of scale is

greater specialization in both labor and production

diseconomies of sale is

a long run phenomenon

the long-run average cost curve

shows the lowest average cost facing a firm as it increases output changing both its plant and labor force

the long-run average cost curve is u shaped because of

economies and diseconomies of sale

as output increases, average total cost decreases

initially and then starts to increase

a market with a large number of sellers

might be a monopolistically competitive or a perfectly competitive market

a perfectly competitive firm

sells a product that has perfect substitutes

in which market do firms exist in very large numbers, each firm produces an identical market, and there is freedom of entry and exit?

only perfect competition

the characteristics that describe a perfectly competitive industry include

many firms selling an identical product

what is an example of a perfectly competitive market?


a monopoly occurs when

one firm sells a good that has no close substitutes and a barrier blocks entry from other firms

a market is classified as monopolistically competitive when

many firms produce a slightly differentiated product

a market is classified as an oligopoly when

a few firms compete

the firm's overriding objective is to

maximize economic profit

normal profit is

the return to entrepreneurship

to maximize its profit, in the short run a perfectly competitive firm decides

what quantity of output to produce

a perfectly competitive firm can

sell all of its output at the prevailing market price

a firm that is a price taker faces

a perfectly elastic demand curve

we know that a perfectly competitive firm is a price taker because

the demand curve is horizontal

marginal revenue is

the change in total revenue from a one unit increase in the quantity sold

for a perfectly competitive firm, marginal revenue

is equal to the price

as a perfectly competitive firm produces more and more of a good, its economic profit

first increases then decreases

the market supply in the short run for the perfectly competitive industry is

the sum of the supply schedules of all firms

in the short run, a perfectly competitive firm

can possibly make an economic profit or possibly incur an economic loss

a perfectly competitive firm should shut down in the short run if price falls below the

marginal revenue

when new firms enter a perfectly competitive market, the market

supply curve shifts to the right

when new firms in a perfectly competitive market are earning an economic profit

new firms will enter the industry

in the long run, existing firms exit a perfectly competitive market

only if they incur an economic loss

if perfectly competitive markets are making an economic profit, the economic profit

attracts entry by more firms, which lowers the price