Chapter 17

production possibilities curve

a major goal of short-run macroeconomic policy is to move towards what?

production possibilities curve

A short-run increase in capacity utilization: Moves the economy to a point closer to its existing what?


A long-run increase in capacity: Shifts the production possibilities curve which way?

economic growth

Changes in potential GDP (increase in output); Comes from an Increased use of our productive capabilities


Long Run Macroeconomic growth Shifts the production possibilities curve which way?

a technological advance

Long-run economic growth can occur as the result of what?


Long-run economic growth can be achieved in the long-run aggregate supply curve with a ___ shift.

real GDP

The value of final output produced in a given period, adjusted for changing prices; refers to the actual quantity of goods and services produced

growth rate

Percentage change in real output from one period to another

real GDP rises

An economy experiences economic growth whenever what happens?


the process of economic growth; gains made in one year are accumulate in future years.

exponential process

cumulative process, whereby interest or growth is compounded from one year to the next

GDP per capita

Total GDP divided by total population; average GDP; often used as a basic measure of our standard of living; Growth is attained only when the growth of output exceeds population growth.

net growth

the GDP growth rate minus the population growth rate

GDP per worker

measures productivity


productivity in the US in recent decades has what?

improvements in output per worker

Depend in large part on increases in the quantity of capital equipment and the quality of capital equipment


Output per unit of input, for example, output per labor-hour
total output/total employment

enhancing labor productivity

Additional capital makes its best contribution to economic growth by doing what?

Growth rate of total output

growth rate of labor force + growth rate of productivity

sources of productivity gains

� Higher skills�an increase in labor skills.
� More capital�an increase in the ratio of capital to labor.
� Technological advance�the development and use of better capital equipment and products.
� Improved management�better use of available resources in

lack of savings

could impede productivity improvements

the rate of capital investment

a primary determinant of labor productivity is what?


aren't just a form of leakage but a basic source of investment financing

net investment

Gross investment less depreciation


a decrease in price or value

R&D (research and development)

� has made the greatest contribution to economic growth over time
� includes scientific research, product development, innovations in production techniques, and the development of management improvements.

new growth theory

emphasizes the importance of investing in ideas.

development of human capital

a policy lever that definitely enhances productivity