Practice Test One

economics is the study of

how people use limited resources to try to satisfy unlimited wants

a resource is something that

is used to product goods and services

in economics, capital is defined as

human creations used in the production process

the respective payments for the resources of natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability are

rent, wages, interest, and profit


own and sell resources

rational economic decision makers will make a change only if

the expected marginal benefit exceeds expected marginal cost

opportunity cost is defined

as the value of the best alternative not chosen

the opportunity cost of college is the same for all students who are receiving full-tuition scholarships


sunk costs

should not be considered when making economic decisions

the law of comparative advantage states that the person who should produce a good is the person

who has the lowest opportunity cost of producing that good

john takes 10 minutes to iron a shirt and 20 minutes to type a paper. Harry takes 10 minutes to iron a shirt and 30 minutes to type a paper. what statement is correct?

harry has a comparative advantage in ironing

helen gives up the opportunity to bake 40 cakes for each room she paints; josh can paint one room in the time it takes him to bake 60 cakes. the opportunity cost of a cake for helen is

painting 1/40 of a room

because of specialization and comparative advantage, most people

consume the products of many other specialists

when drawing a production possibilities frontier, all of the following are usually assumed

technology is fixed, resources can be shifted between production of the two goods, the production possibilities frontier is drawn for a particular time period, resources are fully and efficiently employed

efficiency refers to

getting the maximum possible output from available resources

the law of increasing opportunity cost reflects the fact that

resources are not perfectly substitutable

households act as suppliers when they provide

resources to firms and governments

the objective of the household is to

maximize utility

what represents the largest sources of income for US households?

wages and salaries

households supply four basic types of resources, what are they?

natural resources, capital, entrepreneurial ability, labor

suppose you own a proprietorship that is in serious financial difficulty. the assets of the company are 100,000, but liabilities are 175,000. you also have, however, stock in General Motors worth 200,000. if you file bankruptcy, what amount of personal as


in terms of the numbers of firms in the US economy, the most common type of firm is the

sole proprietorship

which of the following is a reason why government is a participant in a market-oriented economy?

to enforce contracts and protect private property

natural monopolies occur when

one firm can service the market more cheaply than two or more firms can

the funds to pay for police protection are usually raised through taxation because

police protection would be hard to provide exclusively to those who voluntarily pay for it

a public good is one that is supplied to

all people, regardless of whether they pay or not

the law of demand states that

price and quantity demanded are inversely related

movements along a demand curve are called changes in

quantity demanded

suppose you drink more tea because the price of coffee has increased. which of the following best explains your action?

the substitution effect

suppose there are only two goods, apples and oranges. what happens if the price of each good increases by 15 percent?

there is no substitution effect because relative prices have remained constant

the income effect of a decrease in the price of legal services is an

increase in the quantity demanded of legal services

what would shift the supply curve for a product to the right?

an improvement in the technology for producing the good.

a surplus of shoes will cause

a decrease in the price of shoes

a shortage of textbooks will cause

an increase in the price of textbooks

velcro is becoming more and more popular for a variety of uses, including as fasteners for shoes. what should happen to the equilibrium price of quantity for shoelaces as a result?

both price and quantity should decrease

which of the following contributes to an improved standard of living?

increases in the amount and quantity of available resources, better technology, improvements in the rules of the game, and increases in the quality of labor

the rules of the game refer to

any factor that facilitates production and exchange, such as tax laws and property rights

if Q is the real output, K is capital in use, and L is labor employed, the productivity of labor is measured by


labor productivity is measured by

total output/total employment

the resource whose productivity is most commonly measured is


the per-worker production function illustrates the fact that as the amount of capital per worker increases, output per worker

increases but at a decreasing rate

which of the following is likely to cause a decrease in labor productivity?

a decline in student achievement scores, a service sector that is growing as a percentage of GDP, decreased spending on research and development, high federal budget deficits

physical capital includes all of the following

roads and bridges, machinery and factories, communications networks, a new dump truck

if per capita GDP growth exceeds labor productivity growth

employment must be growing faster than the population

which of the following best describes an intermediate good

it helps produce another good

what is physical capital?

manufactured resources, such as buildings and machines

gross domestic product includes final goods and services, but not intermediate goods because

the value of the intermediate goods is already included in the value of the final goods

rhonda sells a house she has owned for 15 years. to make it more marketable, she buys carpeting and has it professionally installed, and buys wallpaper that her daughter hangs. which item would be included in this years GDP?

the sale price of the wallpaper and carpeting and the installation fee for the carpet.

which of the following is the best example of an investment as defined by economists

a firm buying personal computers for its secretarial staff

US exports are

included in US GDP because they are produced domestically

double counting in the value added approach to GDP refers to

counting the total value of a final output in addition to the value of the inputs used to make it

the simple circular flow model shows that

households are on the supply side of the resource market and the demand side of the product market

which of the following is a leakage from the circular flow?


which of the following is an injection into the circular flow?

transfer payments

the labor force consists of all

the noninstitutionalized population over 16 in the economy who hold jobs or are looking for them

the unemployment rate is the

percentage of the labor force that does not have a job

the labor force participation rate is the number of people

in the labor force divided by the adult population

sharon was being treated unfairly by her boss, sho she stormed off the job and two weeks later found another position. for two weeks sharon experienced

frictional unemployment

cyclical unemployment results from

a recession in the ecnomy

in which of the following industries are workers least likely to suffer from cyclical unemployment


structural unemployment results from

a mismatch of skills

the unemployment rate does not measure all of the "unemployment problem" which of the following groups is not counted as unemployed in the offical unemployment statistics?

the underemployed and the discouraged workers

if the aggregate demand curve shifts rightward

the resulting increase in the price level is usually called demand-pull inflation

if the aggregate supply curve shifts leftward

the resulting increase in the price level is usually called cost-push inflation

the higher you think the inflation rate is likely to be

the higher nominal interest rate you will offer as a borrower and want as a lender.

the problems that inflation creates for society are caused primarily by

uncertainty regarding the rate at which different prices are increasing or will increase

a decrease in the interest rate, all other things constant,will

increase the quantity of loanable funds demanded

the real interest rate can be expressed as the

nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate