Microeconomics Final

Marginal Cost

total utility when an extra unit of output is consumed

When would you stop eating?

when your marginal utility derived from eating another serving is zero

utility maximizing rule

to maximize satisfaction, the consumer should allocate his or her money income so that the last dollar spent on each product yields the same amount of extra (marginal) utility

Substitution Effect

when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods

Elastic Demand

A situation in which consumer demand is sensitive to changes in price

A good that takes up a very large percentage of the consumer's budget will tend to have

an elastic demand

As people have more time to adjust to a price change

both supply and demand become more elastic

Price Elasticity of Demand

a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price

Perfectly Inelastic Supply


Perfectly Elastic Supply


Costs that vary with the level of output are divided by output

Average Variable Cost

Downward sloping portion of long-run average total cost curve

Economics of Scale

Total Revenue - total econ cost = 0

earning the normal profit rate

Implicit Costs

Indirect, non-purchased, or opportunity costs of resources provided by the entrepreneur

The sum of the explicit and implicit costs incurred in the production process is called

total cost

Becomes smaller and smaller as the firm expands output

Average Fixed Cost

As output rises, marginal product eventually diminishes and

marginal costs increases

Profit Maximizing occurs at


The three basic legal forms of business enterprise are

proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations

Marginal Revenue Curve in price-taker market is

constant at the market price of the product

MR exceeds MC then price-takers should

expand output

Highly profitable in summer so in winter they should

continue operating as long as they can cover variable cost

Neither price takers nor competitive price searchers will be able to earn long-run economic profit because

competition will force prices down to the level of per-unit production cost

If a firm is making zero economic profit, it

is doing as well as typical firms in other markets.

To be compietive then companies should

chose where marginal cost of production = the market price

A profit maximizing price searcher will expand output to the point where


Price Discrimination Strategy

increase total revenue by charging higher prices to those with the most elastic demand for the product and lower prices to those with the most elastic products

Competitive Price-searcher Market

many firms with some control over price, and some product differentiation

Competitive Price Searcher in Long Run

MR = MC < price

A price-discriminating firm charges the lowest price to the group that

has the most elastic demand


refers to a market for a product or service that is price sensitive; that is, relatively small changes in price will generate fairly large changes in the quantity demanded


describes demand that is not very sensitive to price changes


Entrepreneur discovery is an important source of economic growth and higher living standards

Positive Econ Profit

When ATC is lower than MR

Creative Destruction

the hypothesis that the creation of new products and production methods simultaneously destroys the market power of existing monopolies

Top Ten Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

1) Multiply big numbers by 1 percent.
2) Scale too fast.
3) Focus on partnerships.
Solution: Focus on sales.
4) Focus on the pitch.
Solution: Focus on the prototype.
5) Use too many slide
6) Proceed Serially
7) Retain Control
8)Use Patents For Defensibly

Barrier to Entry (or Exit)

anything that restricts or prevents the free flow of resources into or out of an industry

Five Characteristics of a Successful Market

Private Property
Volunteer Exchange
Stable Prices
Climate of Trust

When a natural monopoly exists in a given industry, the per-unit costs of production will be

lowest when a single firm generates the entire output of the industry

Why are monopolists MR less than the sales price?

to sell more units, the monopolist must reduce price on all units sold

Best Example of a public good

national defense


Characteristic of a public good: if the good is available to one actor to consume, then other actors cannot be prevented from consuming it as well.

Public Choice Theory

suggests politicians will be most likely to favor redistribution of income from unorganized taxpayers to well-organized interest groups

Major difference between market and collective action through government is

in the market sector there is generally a one-to-one link between payment and consumption; this link is often absent in the government sector

Politicitians tend to favor projects with

short run benefits and long run costs


vote trading among legislators

Pork-barrel Legislation

legislation that bundles together a number of projects, each benefiting local interests at the expense of general taxpayers

Rent seeking is

counterproductive b/c it takes resources away from the creation away from creation of wealth in the private sector

Crony Capitalism is present when

businesses either implicitly or explicitly provide political decision-makers with contributions and other forms of political support in "exchange" for government favors that will improve their profitability.