Econ Quiz 1


how do we allocate limited resources for nearly unlimited wants


lack of availability / limited resources


why individual businesses make decisions


studying overall economy for entire country

opportunity cost

whatever must be given up to obtain some item

explicit costs


implicit costs

time, money we could have made


factors that motivate you to act or exert effort

comparitive advantage

can produce at lower opportunity cost than a competitor can

positive statement

can be tested and validated

normative statement

cannot be tested or validated

production possibilities frontier

a model that illustrates the combinations of outputs that a society can produce if all of its resources are being used efficiently

law of increasing opportunity cost (or relative cost)

the opportunity cost of producing a good rises as a society produces more of it

absolute advantage

the ability of one producer to make more than another producer with the same quantity of resources

circular flow model

A diagram that traces the flow of resources, products, income, and revenue among economic decision makers

double coincidence of wants

the unlikely occurrence that two people each have a good the other wants