Econ 115 Midterm 1


the study of the allocation of scarce resources

opportunity cost

the value of the next best use

flow of causes in econ

scarcity -> OC -> trade-offs


how it should work


how it does work

allocation of goods

authoratarian, market, mixed


quantities measured in currency


tangible things


willingness to pay for marginal unit

why does d drop down

finite income: Income effect and Substitution effect

income effect

can't afford all previous consumption

substitution effect

other goods are relatively more attractive

demand in marginal terms

WTP for MUnit

shifts of d

population, income (normal v. inferior), prices of other goods, tastes

price reflects what?

benefit (WTP)

s slope up?

increasing MOC, diminishing MR

shift of s

price of inputs, tech., competitors

perfect equilibirum

many firms, homogenous goods, good info, well defined property rights



demand function

q as a function of p

elas > 1


marginal beneft

the change in benefit of a small change in x

how to derive d?

rational consumers, fixed income, prefereneces

optimal consumption

MRS = ratio of prices. Also equates the MU per dollar.

money metric utility

U = U(x) + M
M = Y - px

money metric utility proves

law of demand

conflicting substitution and complements

Sub effect: leisure is less expensive, substitue toward leisure
Income effect: if leisure is normal, less leisure and more work

MRS and substitution

big subst. effect from slow declining MRS, complements small subst. effect and both normal goods

Income effect particulars

size depends of fraction of budget spent on good. sign depends on normal or inferior

griffin good

demand increases with p

firms try to

make money! maximize profits

supply curve of firm


production amount

MR = p = MC

production problem

produce at least cost

tech efficiency

don't waste imputs

econ efficiency

input use depends of input price


K v. L, slope MPl/MPk

cost minimizing inputs

ration of MP equals ratio of input prices

problems with consumer surplus

weights preferences by income, "one dollar one vote", doesn't capture MC

MMUtility and surplus

MWTP is MUq and CS is total consumer utility


revenue - VC

mmu and CS okay if

good is a small fraction of budget

pareto efficiency. why?

don't want to "add utils," want general equ.

pareto efficient

same resources could be re-allocated to make everyone better off

social surplus


cost of tax