Microeconomics, Ch 5,11,12

Public Finance

subdiscipline of economics that studies the various ways in which governments raise and expend money

government purchases

exhaustive, the products purchased directly absorb (require the use of) resources and are part of the domestic output

transfer payments

nonexhaustive, Do not directly absorb resources or create output

personal income tax

a tax levied on the taxable income of individuals, households, and unincorporated firms, progressive

marginal tax rate

the tax rate paid on each additional dollar of income

taxable income

incomes of households and unincorporated businesses after certain exemptions and deductions are taken into my account

progressive tax

higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their incomes as taxes than lower incomes; TAX SYSTEM.

average tax rate

total tax paid divided by total taxable income as a percentage

payroll taxes

taxes levied on employees and employees equal to a percentage of the wages and salaries paid to the employees, regressive

corporate income tax

a tax levied on the net income (accounting profit) of corporations, proportional

sales tax

a tax levied on the retail cost of a broad group of products, regressive

excise tax

a tax levied on the production of a specific product or on the quantity of the product purchased (sin tax)

property tax

tax on value of property (capitol, land, stocks and bands, other assets) owned by firms and households. Local governments obtain about 71% of tax revenue from these

benefits-received principle

idea the people who receive the benefits from government-provided goods and services should pay the taxes required to finance them

ability-to-pay principle

idea that people who have greater income should pay a greater proportion of it as taxes than those who have less income

regressive tax

tax whose average tax rate decreases as the taxpayers income increases

proportional tax

tax whose average tax rate remains constant as the taxpayers income increases

tax incidence

degree to which a tax falls on a particular person or group

efficiency (deadweight) loss of a tax

loss of net benefits to society because a tax reduces the production and consumption of a taxed good below the level of allocative efficiency

income inequality

the unequal distribution of an economy's total income among households or families

Lorenz curve

A curve that shows an economy's distribution of income by measuring the cumulated percentage of income receivers along the horizontal axis and the cumulated percentage of income they receive along the vertical axis

Gini ratio

a numerical measure of the overall dispersion of income among an economy's income receivers

income mobility

the extent to which income receivers move from one part of the income distribution to another over some period of time

noncash transfers

government transfer payments in the form of goods and services (or vouchers to obtain them) rather than money

causes of income inequality

ability, education and training, discrimination, preferences and risks, unequal distribution of wealth, market power, and luck, connections and misfortune

define Ability

Differences in mental, physical and aesthetic talents, inculding intelligence and skills

define Education and Training

amount of education and training which can determine capacity to earn income

define Discrimination

inequality in education, training, hiring, and promotion; racial, ethnic and gender discrimination

define Preferences and Risks

willingness to assume risk and unpleasant jobs which typically lead to more pay

define Unequal Distribution of Wealth

unequal ownership of wealth; those who earn more and save more have more wealth than those who do not

define Market Power

ability to 'rig the market' on one's own behalf

define Luck, Connections and Misfortune

being in the right place at the right time, personal contacts and political connections, and illness, accidents and unemployment etc., all factor in to income inequality

causes of growing inequality

greater demand for highly skilled workers, demographic changes and International trade, Immigration and Decline in Unionism


income equality maximizes the total consumer satisfaction (utility) from any particular level of output and income

law of diminishing marginal utility

principle that the amount of extra satisfaction ( marginal utility) from consuming a product declines as the more of it is consumed

Equality & Efficiency Trade-off

the decrease in economic efficiency that may accompany an incfreae in income equality

poverty rate

the percentage of the population with incomes below the official poverty income levels established by the federal governments

entitlement programs

government programs that garuntee particular levels of transfer payments or noncash benefits to all who fit the programs' criteria

Social Security

federal pension program (financed by payroll taxes on employers and employees) that replaces part of the earnings lost when workers retire, become disabled, or die


federal insurance program (financed by payroll taxes on employers and employees) that provides health insurance benefits to those 65 years or older

unemployment compensation

federal-state social insurance program (financed by payroll taxes and employers) that makes income available to workers who are unemployed

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

federal program (financed by general tax revenues) that provides a uniform nationwide minimum income for the aged, blind and disabled who do not qualify for benefits under the social security program

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

basic welfare programs (financed through general tax revenues for low income families

food-stamp program

federal program (financed through general tax revenues) that permits eligible low-income persons to obtain vouchers that are usable to buy food


federal program (financed by general tax revenues) that provides medical benefits to people covered by the Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs

Earned-Income Tax Credit

refundable federal tax credit provided to low-income wage earners to supplement their families' incomes and encourage work

productive efficiency

the production of a good in the least costly way

allocation efficiency

the production of the "right" mix of goods and services

consumer surplus

difference between what consumer is willing to pay for a good and what the consumer actually pays

producer surplus

difference between the actual price a producer receives and the minimum price the producer would accept.

Private Goods

produced in the market by firms

Private Goods characteristics

rivalry, excludability


when one person buys/consumes a product, it is not available for another person


sellers can keep people who do not pay for a product from obtaining it

Public Goods

provided by the government (offered for free)

Public Goods characteristics

nonrivalry, nonexcludability


when one person buys/consumes a product, it is still available for another person.


no effective way of excluding individuals from the benefit
-free rider problem


cost or benefit occurring to a third party external to transaction

Positive Externalities

(education) too little is produced, demand-side market failures

Negative Externalities

(spillover costs) too much is produced, supply-side market failures

Correct Negative Externalities


Direct Controls

government regulations

Specific Taxes

levy taxes or or changes

Correct Positive Externalities

(Government intervention) PRIVATE BARGAINING, subsidies to buyers(new mothers), subsidies to producers(farmers), government provision

Government Provision

provides the products for free or a minimum charge (education)

Federal Tax Revenues

personal income tax, progressive tax, excise tax, corporate income tax, payroll tax, marginal tax rate

Federal Expenditures

national defense, interest on public debt, health, pensions and income security, and all other.