ECON 3358 Exam 1 review

How is unemployment measured?

unemployed / labor force

who is considered to be unemployed

people who can and want to work / currently searching for a job

who is considered to be part of the labor force

16 years or older not including institutionalized or military

what type of people does the labor force consists of

employed and unemployed

how is the civilian non-institutionalized population measured

labor force + not in the labor force

Discouraged worker effect

decrease in the unemployment rate may not always be better - people stop searching for jobs

added worker effect

increase in the unemployment rate may not always be worse - people start searching for jobs

when the labor force participation rate increases:

the economy is doing good

when the labor force participation rate decreases:

the economy is doing bad

how is the labor force participation rate measured

labor force / population

define establishment survey

what institution where people work "how many people are working for you

how many sectors are there

two, private and public

name the different types of unemployment

- seasonal

example of seasonal unemployment

migrant workers; have a job at some point in the year

example of frictional unemployment

information lag; have a job offer but haven't accepted, "moving to Seattle for a new job

natural types of unemployment include

seasonal and frictional

example of structural unemployment

people without skills; jobs requiring skills but there is no match, does not qualify

example of cyclical unemployment

economic downturn; recession happens; GDP is falling

T1 + W1 + W2 = B1 + B2 simplify

training investment + wages paid = benefits received from workers

define general training

allows workers to use in the job and also somewhere else

training that can me used in different terms is what type of training

general training

employer has no incentive to pay for general training;

why pay for it if people can leave

when there is low mobility costs

people can easily leave and use the training elsewhere

when there is high mobility costs

it is not that easy for people to move around; employer pays for the training

in theory if there is no cost for the employee to move from firm to firm;

the employee would pay for the training


firms have power over workers

example of specific training

given to a worker for that particular job; training that can be used only for that job

when it comes to specific training, who has the incentive to pay for it?

both the employee and employer

when an economic downturn occurs

firms are less likely to layoff skilled workers; it would be a loss of an investment

structural unemployment; firms require less skill

but its at its best interest to keep these workers

job search theory

ideally you want to get a job where your skills are fully paid

employee doesn't have the incentive to pay for specific training but if he/ she invests in the training;

job security would increase

example of reservation wage;

i know I'm worth this much, but if i get offered X amount, I'll accept it

simplify W*

best match for skill wage

unemployment benefits

policy intended to help buy will have the consequences of frictional unemployment; Reservation wage increases

two workers with identical skils may have different wages depending on


classical way of thinking:

do nothing about it, strongly agrees that markets will correct themselves

keyensian way of thinking:

role govs. can play to re-stimulate the economy back into full employment

define labor demand

it is derived demand from the firms profit maximization problem

how much output should the firm produce?

the level that will maximize profit

how many workers should a firm hire?

the number that will produce the maximum output

describe the 5 underlying assumptions

1. we are in the short run;
2. labor is the only variable input; all other inputs are fixed
3. we have perfectly competitive product and input markets
4. the only cost of labor is the wage rate; which the firm and workers take as given
5. the only cost of

what is the shortrun period

any period where at least one input is fixed

what is the long run period

any period where all inputs are variables

combining all inputs into


profits =

revenue - costs

revenue =

price * quantity

change in profit / change in quantity = MR - MC = 0

when profits are maximized

define MC

marginal cost; cost of producing additional output

Define P

revenue form producing (selling) an additional unit

change in cost / change in quantity =

marginal costs

when MR = MC

the firm has no additional profits to gain by expanding, it has done the best it can.

simplify C = VC + FC

costs = cost of variable inputs ( labor costs = W * L) + cost of fixed inputs (capital)

define value of the MPl

how much the workers contribution is worth in output markets

say W = $20, P=$2, MPl=$12
an additional worker produced 12 more units, worth a total of $24, (12*2),

W < P * MPl; profits will rise by $4 if another worker is hired; labor will increase

say W = $20, P=$2, MPl=$9
an additional worker produced 9 more units, worth a total of $18, (9*2),

if W > P * MPl
$20 > $18 you have to lay off a worker so profits can increase by $2 and W = P * MPl

elastic of labor demand

percent change in the quantity demand of labor / percent change in the wage

-1 unitary elastic, example

10% increase in wages = 10% decrease in labor

> 1 elastic, example

change in wages will have a big impact in labor

< 1 inelastic, example

change in wages will have little impact in labor

1st Hicks marshal law of demand

the more elastic is the demand for the product, the more elastic is the demand for labor

2nd Hicks Marshal law of demand

the higher the share of labor cost, the more elastic is the demand for labor

3rd Hicks Marshal law of demand

the more elastic is the supply of capital, the more elastic is the demand for labor

4th Hicks Marshal law of demand

the easier it is to substitute away from capital into labor and vice versa, the more elastic is the demand for labor