MicroEconomics Chapters 1-4


the condition that arises because wants exceed the ability of rescources to use them


The social science that studies the choices that individuals, businesses, governments, and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity, the incentives that influence those choices, and the arrangements that coordinate them.


the study of the choices that individuals and businesses make and the way these choices intereact and are influnced by governments


the study of the aggregate(total) effects on the national economy and the global economy of the choices that individuals, businesses, and governmetns make

Goods and Services

The objects (goods) and the actions(services) that people value and produce to satisfy human wants


determines the quantities of what is produced


determines how something is produced

For Whom

determines who the services are produced for

Self Interest

THe chocies that are best for the individual that makes them

Social Interest

THe choices that are best for society as a whole


the expansion of international trade and production of components and services by firms in other countries


an exchange-giving up one thing to get something else

Rational choice

a choice that uses the available resources to best achieve the objective of the person making the choice


gain or pleasure that something brings

Opportunity Cost

the best thing you must give up in order to get something


A choice that is made by comparing all the relevent alternatives systematically and incrementally

Marginal Benefit

The benefit that arises from a one-unit increase in an activity; measured by what you are willing to give up to get one additional unit of something

Marginal Cost

The opportunity cost that arises from a one a one-unit increase in an activity; what you must give up to get one additional unit of it


a reward or a penalty that encourages or discourages an action

Economic Model

a description of some feature of the economic world that includes only those featrues assumed necessary to explain the observed facts


the tendency for the values of two variables to move together in a predictable and related way

Normative statement

states what ought to be

Positive statement

states what is

Personal Economic Policy

involves a marginal benefit and a marginal cost based on personal decisions

Business Economic Policy

involves the evaluation of a marginal benefit and a marginal cost for a company

Governement Economic Policy

calls for decisions taht involve the evaluation of a marginal benefit and a marginal cost and an investigation of the interactiosn of individuals and businesses

Consumption Goods and Services

goods and services that are bought by individuals and used to provide personal enjoyment and contribute to a person's quality of life.

Capital Goods

goods that are bought by businesses to increase their productive resources

Government Goods and Services

goods and services that are bought by governments

Export Goods and Services

goods and services taht are proudced in one country and sold in another

Factors of Production

The productive resources that are used to produce goods and services-land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship


the "gifts of nature" or natural resources that we use to produce goods and services


The work time and work effort that people devote to producing goods and services

Human Capital

the knowledge and skill that people obtain from education, on the job training, and work experience


Tools, instruments, machines, buildings, and other items that have been produced in the past and that businesses now use to produce goods and services
financial capital is not capital


the human resource that organizes labor, land, and capital to produce goods and services


income paid for the use of land


income paid for the services of labor

Profit (or loss)

income earned by an entrepreneur for running a business

Circular Flow Model

a model of the economy that shows the circular flow of expenditures and incomes that result from decision makers' choices and the way those choices interact to determine what, how, and for whom gods and services are produced


Individuals or groups of people living together


The institutions that organize the production of goods and services


Any arrangement that brings buyers and sellers together and enables them to get information and do business with each other

Goods Market

Market in which goods and services are bought and sold

Factor market

Markets in which the services of factors of production are bought and sold

Real Flow

the flows of the factors of production that go from households through factor markets to firms; goods and services that go from firms through goods and markets to households

Money Flow

the flow of payments made in exchange for the services of factors of production and of expenditures on goods ands services; Goes from households to goods market to firms

Production Possibilities Frontier(PPF) or Production Possibilities Curve( PPC)

the boundary between the combinations of goods and services that can be produced and the combinations that cannot be produced, given the available factors of production adn the state of technology

Production Efficiency

a situation in which the economy is getting all that it can from its resources and cannot produce more of one good or service without producing less of something else

Free Lunch

A gift- getting something without giving up omething else

Economic Growth

The sustained expansion of production possibilities

Absolute Advatage

When one person/nation is more productive than another- needs fewer inputs or takes less time to produce a good or perform a production task

Comparative Advantage

the ability of a person to perform an activity or produce a good or service ata lower opportunity cost than anyone else

Quantity Demanded

The amount of any good, service, or resource taht people are willing and able to buy during a specified period at a specified price

Law of Demand

other things remaining the same, if the price of a good rises, the quntity demanded of that good decreases; and if the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded of that good increases


The relationship beween the quantity demanded and the price of a good when all other influences on buying plans remain the same

Demand Schedule

A list of the quantities demanded at each different price when all the other influences on buying plans remain the same

Demand Curve

A graph of the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price when all the other influences on buying plans remain the same

Market Demand

The sum of the demands of all the buyers in the market

Change in Demand

a change in the quantity that people plan to buy when any influences on buying plans other than the price of the good changes


A good that can be consumed in place of another good


A good that is consumed with another good

Normal Good

a good for which demand increases when income increases; and demand decreases when income decreases

Inferior Good

a good for which demand decreases when income increase; and demand increases when income decreases

Change in Quantity Demanded

a change in the quantity of a good taht people plan to buy that results from a change in the price of a good with all other influences on buying plans remaining the same

Quantity Supplied

the amount of any good, service, or resource that people are willing and able to sell during a specified period at a specified price

Law of Supply

other things remaining the same, if the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of that good increases(have more to sell); and if the price of a good falls, the quantity supplied of that good decreases(less to sell).


the relationship between the quantity supplied and the price of a good when all other influences on selling plans reamain the same

Supply Schedule

A lisst of the quantities supplied as each different price when all the other influences on selling plans remain the same

Supply Curve

a graph of the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and its price when all other influences on selling plans remain the same

Market Supply

The sum of all the supplies of all the sellers in the market

Change in Supply

A change in the quantity that suppliers plan to sell when any influence on selling plans other than the price of the good changes

Substitute in Production

a good that can be produced in place of another good

Complement in Production

a good that is produced along with another good

Change in the Quantity Supplied

A change in the quantity of a good that suppliers plan to sell that results from a change in the price of the good

Market Equilibrium

when the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied-buyers' and sellers' plans are in balance

Equilibrium Price

The price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

Equilibrium Quantity

The quantity bought and sold at the equilibrium price