ECON exam1

Law of Demand

an increase in price leads to a decrease in quantity demanded

Causes of Change in Demand (shift)

changes in tastes, income, personal taxes, prices of related goods, expected future price/quantity, # of buyers, change in planned consumption at all prices

Causes of Change in Quantity Demanded

change in price

Law of Supply

an increase in price leads to an increase in quantity supplied

Causes of Change in Supply

changes in cost of production, business taxes, expected future price/quantity, price of other produced goods, # of sellers, technology, change in planned sales at all prices

price ceiling

BELOW equilibrium; shortage; quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied

price floor

ABOVE equilibrium; surplus; quantity demanded is less than quantity supplied

total utility

the satisfaction obtained by the consumer from consuming a good

marginal utility

the extra utility from an additional unit of consumption;
the slope of the total utility

law of diminishing marginal utility

MU decreases as more quantity is consumed

budget line/constraint

level of income that the consumer needs to allocate between goods A and B; (rotate if change in P, shift out if increase in income);
Income= (Pa
Qa) + (Pb
Slope= -Pa / Pb

relationship between utility and the law of demand

as price increases, the utility of the marginal dollar spend decreases (marginal dollar buys less);
quantity demanded falls in line with the law of demand

price elasticity of demand

responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price;
% change in Qd / % change in p (absolute value)
Ed = (Q2-Q1 / Q1+Q2) / (P2-P1 / P1+P2)

perfectly elastic

abs value of elasticity = infinity


abs value of elasticity > 1


abs value of elasticity < 1

unit elastic

abs value of elasticity = 1

perfectly inelastic

abs value of elasticity = 0

consumer surplus

price is lower than the consumer's willingness to pay

producer surplus

price is higher than the seller's willingness to sell

comparative advantage

the other is better at both A and B, you are better at B than A
CA = # B produced / # A produced

absolute advantage

to be better at something in all areas


Qs = Qd

maximizing utility

MU/P = MU/P for all goods and spend all income