MIE 330 EXAM 2

1. Forecasting
2.Goal setting/strategic planning
3.Program implementation/evaluation

HR Planning Process

Determines labor supply/demand to see if there will be shortages/surplus


Study of a firm's past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs.

Trend Analysis

Forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios between two variables, such as sales volume and number of employees needed

Ratio Analysis

Graphical method used to identify relationships between two variables such as hospital size and number of nurses needed

Scatter Plot

A set of knowledge and skills that make an organization superior to competitors and create value to customers.

Core Competency

1.Reduce costs
2.Reduce labor with technology
3.Mergers and Acquisitions
4.Move to more economical location

Four Objectives of Downsizing

Role is to build a supply of potential new hires that an organization can draw on if need arises

HR Recruiting

-Generates applicants who are well-known to the company
-applicants are relatively knowledgeable about org, minimizes unrealistic job expectations
-generally cheaper and faster thane external

Advantages of using internal sources

-Direct applicants
-Electronic recruiting
-private employment agencies

External Sources

-Compare yield ratios of different sources.
-Yield ratio: percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment process to the next

Yield Ratio

Find cost of using particular recruiting source and divide by number of people hired through that source

Cost per Hire

Begins with candidates identified in recruitment process and ends with selected individuals placed in jobs

Selection Process

-provides reliable information
-provides valid information
-can be generalized to apply to candidates
-offers high utility
-uses legal selection criteria

Successful selection method

Extent to which a measurement is free from random error
-Generates consistent results
-Uses correlation coefficients (a higher correlation coefficient signifies a greater degree of reliability)


Extent to which performance of a measure is related to what the measure is designed to assess


A measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between two test scores and job performance scores
-Can come from Predictive Validation or Concurrent Validation

Criterion-Related Validity

Research that uses test scores of all applicants and looks for relationship between scores and future performance

Predictive Validation

Research that consists of administering a test to people who currently hold a job, and then comparing their scores to existing measures of job performance

Concurrent Validation

Consistency between test items or problems and kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job

Content Validity

Consistency between high scores on the test and a high level of construct, mastery of construct and job performance

Construct Validity

Being valid, reliable, and generalizable adds value to a selection method
-Consider the cost of using the method

Practical Value

Selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents
-Civil rights act 64,91
-Age and Discrimination in employment act 67
-Americans with disabilities act 91

Legal Standards for Selection

requires employers to obtain a candidate's consent before using a third party to check credit

Fair Credit Reporting Act

Federal law requiring employers to verify and maintain records on applicant's legal right to work in US
-I-9 form to show identity and eligibility to work

Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

Assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities

Aptitude Tests

Measure a person's existing knowledge and skills

Achievement Tests

-Administer tests systematically to all applicants for same job
-Use test for jobs that involve safety hazards
-Send report to applicant with info on how to appeal
-Respect privacy of applicant- keep confidential

Rules for administering drug tests

Process of arriving at a decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of selection process

Multiple-hurdle model

Process of arriving at a decision in which a very high score on one type of assessment can make up for low score on another

Compensatory Model

Should include:
-Job Responsibilities
-Rate of pay
-Start date
-Other relevant details


Process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs.

Instructuional Design

Computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training programs

Learning management system

Process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees tasks to determine the kinds of training Or

Needs Assessment

Process for determining appropriateness of training by evaluating characteristics of the organization

Organization analysis

Process of determining individuals needs and readiness by asking
-do performance deficiencies result from lack of knowledge/skill/ability
-who needs training
-are employees ready for training

Person Analysis

Process of identifying and analyzing tasks to be trained

Task Analysis

-Traffic school
-Diversity school
-"Charm School

Training as a punishment

-Quality or level of acceptable performance
-When to apply what employee has learned
-Measurable performance standards

Training Objectives

-Classroom learning
-Audiovisual training
-E-learning(internet)-Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)
-on the job training
-Apprenticeship, Internship
-Business games/case studies
-Behavior modeling
-Experiential programs
-Team Traini

Training Methods

A career that frequently changes based on changes in the person's interests, abilities, and values in the work environment

Protean Career

Collecting information and providing feedback to employees about heir behavior, communication style, or skills


Most employee development occurs through these including conflict resolution, data analysis, and customer service, job assignments, transitions, and interpersonal relationships

Job Experiences

1. Data Gathering
2. Feedback
3. Goal Setting
4. Action planning and follow up

Career Management System Steps

Caused by lack of access to training programs, developmental job experiences, and developmental relationships

The glass ceiling

Energy from being alone vs energy from other people.

Introversion vs Extroversion

Set up yo assess management capabilities. Done by psychologist and looks for who emerges as a leader

Assessment Centers

Genuinely caring about your staff

Most important thing about being a manager

Process of identifying and tracking high-potential employees who will be able to fill key positions when they become vacant.

Succession Planning
