Africa Study Guide

How is the Sahara desert best described?

Largest desert in the world.

Why is farming so difficult in the African Sahel?

Little rain falls in this region.

What is causing the Sahel to expand in recent years?

Over-grazing and cutting down trees for fuel.

Which would be typical of what one would find in a savanna?


Which phrase BEST describes the rainforest?

Humid and warm with thick vegetation.

Which is the biggest threat to African rainforests today?

Overpopulation and deforestation.

What is one of the major problems facing those who depend on the Nile River for water?

The water is contaminated.

What do some people believe might lead to "water wars" in Africa in the future?

Competition among countries that compete for scarce water.

Why do some governments ignore industrial pollution of major rivers and waterways?

Leaders want the industries to be profitable and believe that controlling population is too costly.

What is meant by the "Green Line" of desertification?

The line between desert and cultivated areas.

Which BEST describes a nomad?

One who wonders from place to place to find food and water.

What religion did Arabs bring with them to Africa?


What are the main religions among the Ashanti people today?

Traditional Shanti religion, Christianity, and Islam.

Which BEST describes the religion of the Bantu people?

They have a variety of religions-Animism, Christians, Muslims

What religion is most common among the Swahili today?


Which African country has the highest literacy rates?

South Africa

Which African country has the highest GDP?

South Africa

How do the literacy rates for men and women compare in most of the countries in Africa?

In nearly all countries,women have a lower literacy rate than men.

In a unitary gvernment system, who holds the most power?

Central Governments

Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in an oligarchy?

Small group powerful leaders

Which branch of government is responsible for making and carrying out the laws in a parlimentary system of government?

Legislature (parliament)

Which branch of government passes the laws in a presidential system of government?


Why is the literacy rate for girls in Kenya and Sudan lower than it is for boys?

Traditional views say girls should be married rather than educated.

Why don't more Africans infected with HIV/AIDS take antiretroviral drugs that can slow down the progress of the disease?

These drugs are too expensive for most Africans.

How can you describe the rate of HIV/AIDS infection on Sub-Saharan Africa?

One of the highest in the world.

In a traditional economy, how are economic decisions made?

Custom and habit

Why are most modern economies referred to as "mixed" economies?

Most countries have aspects of two or all three types of economies.

Why is specialization so vaulable in international trade today?

Specialization allows people to do a more efficient job at producing what they make best and trade for the things they need.

In which areas has South Africa begun to specialize?

Gold and diamond mining

In which area has Nigeria worked to specialize?

Oil production

Why is a system of currency exchange necessary for international trade?

There must be a way to pay for goods purchased from countries with different types of currencies

What is the definition of human capital?

Skills and knowledge workers have

Why has the country of South Africa made a big investment in human capital?

Some of the country's most important industries need workers with specialized skills.