Chapter 10: The Jefferson Era

Who won the Election of 1800?

President - Thomas Jefferson
Vice-President - Aaron Burr

Who chooses the winner for Presidential elections when there is a tie?

House of Representatives

What are some personal characteristics about Thomas Jefferson?

highly educated
spoke multiple languages
played multiple instruments
skilled in architecture

Jefferson's political party


What does unconstitutional mean?

declaring when laws contradict the Constitution.

What does judicial review mean?

The ability of the judicial branch to review laws to determine their constitutionality.

Who sold us the Louisiana Purchase & for how much?

France for $15 million

Who were the two men Jefferson picked to explore the Louisiana Purchase Territory?

Meriwether Lewis & William Clark

Who was the Shoshone woman who became Lewis & Clark's guide?


Who was the man who explored the southern region of the Louisiana Purchase Territory?

Zebulon Pike

What were Lewis & Clark hoping to discover as they went West?

The Northwest Passage (a water route from east to west)

What were three effects of exploring the Louisiana Purchase Territory?

1. Explorers created accurate maps of the West
2. Growth in the fur trade which helped to boost the economy
3. Mistaken view of the Great Plains in thinking it was the Great American Desert

What does impressment mean?

kidnapping of sailors

The Embargo Act of 1807

Americans could not sail to foreign ports, and it closed American ports to British ships.

Who was Chief Tecumseh?

A Shawnee chief who wanted to unite other Native American tribes to fight against the expansion of the U.S. west.

Who were War Hawks?

U.S. Westerners who supported a war against Britain to keep them out of the the U.S.'s territory.

What were three cause of the War of 1812?

1. Impressment of U.S. Citizens
2. Interference with American shipping
3. British support of Native American resistance

Who was the President during the War of 1812?

James Madison

Who was the 4th President?

James Madison

What did Francis Scott Key write?

The national anthem

Who was the commanding general at the Battle of New Orleans?

General Andrew Jackson

Why was the Battle of New Orleans unnecessary?

Took place after the Treaty of Ghent was signed by Britain and the U.S.

What formally ended the War of 1812?

The Treaty of Ghent

Name three effects of the war.

1. Increased American patriotism
2. Weakened Native American resistance
3. U.S. manufacturing grew = economic boost

Name all the countries that were claiming land in the West

The U.S., Spain, France, Russia, and Great Britain