Chapter 4


inportant New England Industry

Cash Crops

crops that sold easily


cultural variety


near Appalachian Mountains

Slave Codes

governed slaves

Subsistence farming

means producing just enough to meet the families needs, with little left over to sell or exchange

Middle Passage

The most inhuman aspect of the triangular trade


Were most of the large Southern plantations located


The plantation bosses who kept the enslaved Africans working hard

Plantation Owners

Controlled the economic and political life of the Southern Colonies


economic theory


trading illegally

Britain ruled

royal colonies

Great Awakening

religious revival


learning assistant to craft worker


law that directed the flow of goods between England and the colonies

Compact Colony

not an American Colony

White Male Property Owners

The only people who could vote in the colonies


First college found in North America

Benjamin Franklin

The american who best exemplified the Enlightenment way of thinking


british fort


French fortress

Iroquois Confederacy

powerful group of native americans


civilian soldiers

Benjamin Franklin

author of Albany Plan of Union

Fort Necessity

The small post in the Ohio country established by George Washington

British and French

By 1700 the major powers in the North America

raiding British settlements

During the war between France and Great Britain, Native Americans often helped the French by...

Ohio River valley

Where George Washington's first command was

George Washington

The colonists regard as the hero who struck the first blow against the French

George Washington

one of Edward Braddock's guides

William Pitt

Britain's prime minister

James Wolfe

conquered Quebec

Jeffrey Amherst

conqured Montreal


united Native Americans

Edward Braddock

The commander in chief of the British forces in America who was to drive the French out of America

Treaty of London

Document marked the end of France as a power in North America

Britain And Spain

After the Treaty was signed in 1763 the continent was divided between which 2 countries

A halt to westward expansion

The Proclamation of 1763 called for...

owned land west of the mountains

The Proclamation of 1763 angered wealthy speculators beacause they