American Republic Chapter 5

Why did France and Britain both want North America?

Both wanted control of the fur trace and the fisheries off the coast of Newfoundland.

What war settled the question of who would have control? What was this war called in Europe?

French and Indian War; Seven Years' War

What advantages did the French have in fighting the war? What advantages did the British have?

French: colonial government was strong and unified, had built forts at strategic points along inland waterways, had a well-trained army, support of many Indian tribes
British: Had 15 times the population of New France, had support of Iroquois (strongest c

What river valley did both countries seek to control?

Ohio Valley

Why was the Albany Plan of Union significant?

It was the first attempt to unite the American colonies.

What man's leadership turned the tide for the British in the war?

William Pitt

What battle became the turning point of the war, giving the British certain victory?

The Battle of Quebec

Give three reasons for the tightening of British control over her American colonies.

1. to manage such a large empire 2. Britain were also upset that the colonies had only halfheartedly helped during the war 3. The British were angry that American merchants had traded with Britain's enemies

Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763?

They didn't want traders or settlers stirring up unrest among the indians.

What were writs of assistance?

they were search warrants to search for smuggled goods anywhere, even in homes

What tax act led to the strongest protest in the colonies?

Stamp Act

What action did the colonists take against Britain to ruin her trade when the king did not give in to their requests?

They refused to buy English goods.

What goods were taxed by the Townshend Acts of 1767?

glass, paper, lead, and tea

How did the merchants avoid the Townshend taxes?

they smuggled goods past British agents

Unrest between colonists and British troops led to what deadly incident on March 5, 1770?

The Boston Massacre

What organizations were formed to unify colonial opposition to British policies?

Committees of Correspondence

What three acts did the British pass following the Boston Tea Party? What did each act do?

Boston Port Act, Quartering Act, Quebec Act

Why did colonies other than Massachusetts become concerned about the Intolerable Acts?

They were concerned their liberties would also be taken away

Where did colonial delegates meet to decide what to do about British actions? What was the body of delegates called?

Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia; First Continental Congress

For what two reasons did Thomas Gage send British soldiers out toward Lexington and Concord?

1. to destroy a stockpile of colonial weapons 2. To arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock

What three men warned the colonists of the approach of the British?

Samuel Prescott, William Dawes, and Paul Revere

What were the colonial militiamen called who came to stop the British on short notice?
